John Adams vs. Obama
Who do you think was the better president?
In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
Who do you think was the better president?
In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
lol omg wow
"You are literally too stupid to insult."
"Thank you."
Man that is funny!
shareConsidering Obama is ranked in the 40's, I don't think it's hard to figure out...
shareranked in the 40's,
Not sure whether you refer to polls or popularity.
Obama's true standing in history will be determined well after we are all dust. The world we have now is never a reflection of the man in power at the time.
the war adams averted would have completely ruined america, but that fact was not thought about at the time. At the time he was reviled, and hated by the press and by many as a traitor or a coward.
Obama's accomplishments, or lack thereof cannot be so easily dismissed or defined, no matter the popular opinions or feelings of the day.
I also think the Founding Fathers might have had some serious opinions about the way politics is run now, Citizens United, and the frakking Tea Party itself.
shareI don't think they would have too much of an issue with the Tea Party as it stands for limiting taxation and the size and power of the government which has gotten out of control. On the other hand, most of them may take issue with the Occupy Wallstreet demostrations...
In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
Adams... Clearly
I just love the fact that you have a quote about universal deceit when you're asking a question about Barry Obama. It seems to me that universal deceit and our 44th president kind of go together, like the way chocolate and peanut butter go together to make Reese's peanut butter cups.
Obama is one of the greatest presidents ever.
Let's check the statistics of when he came into office and as he's leaving office everything's better not all fixed and it never will be but it's certainly a lot better than when George W Bush was president.
You are one of the few on here with a brain. Congrats. I too believe Obama was handed a pile of crap by bush and turned it into water, but he catches crap that he didn't turn it into wine. Lol bush gave us the worst terror attack in history, two useless wars, couldn't get bin laden, $4 gas, and the Great Recession. Obama pulled as out of that, got bin laden, pulled us out of the wars, and we haven't had another major terror attack. I think both Adams and Obama were great presidents, one followed Washington and the other followed an idiot.
shareIt's impossible to compare. Monumentally different times, different populations, different STATES, different relations with countries in Europe, different military, etc etc etc. Also think about the media at one time vs the next.
Actually if Obama was president in 1797 (and forgetting the whole slavery-racism thing for a moment) he might have an easier time given how less fractious parties were between Federalists and the Republicans.
iTunes podcast:
Both about the same, neither very effective as president. Why? Both are/were lawyer presidents.
The actual job of president is to manage the federal government, act as commander and chief of the military, negotiate treaties with other countries, either sign or veto laws, pardon prisoners, and enforce laws. That's pretty much it. The majority of their job is to manage the federal government.
Adams didn't have much of a federal government or military to manage. He wasn't very good at the job of negotiating treaties. History knows him for what he did before he was president. Obama has a huge federal government to manage, and he isn't very good at it. Same with enforcing laws; personally I lean toward thinking his stance on immigration and marijuana might be going in the right direction, but it goes against what he's paid to do. A president's job isn't to lead the people and further public opinion, the people don't elect the president or even elect the people that elect the president. For people to look toward the president to represent them in anything other than the treaty aspects of their job is ignorance born to manipulation. State Representatives represent the people. I think Obama's history will look something like Van Buren's, both men are similar.
Generals make good presidents. They have experience in foreign affairs, managing large organizations including the military. They think in long term strategy, so the decisions they make usually don't pan out during their tenure, so make poor politicians.