Remember at a time when most men were 5'5 and 140 pounds (1700's) Washington was the size of an NFL linebacker, over 6'3 and well over 200 pounds. In Adams they say, "he's always the tallest man in the room." And studies have shown, that we, like many species of the animal kingdom, offer deference to the largest in the pack. Until a word is spoken, or absent any other determinants.
Then add in GW's wealth, his successful farm, his education and his war record. And you find some reason for him to feel superior. After all he was elected president. That alone would suggest he possessed several enviable characteristics.
But the thing about him that impresses me most, was his keaving office after his 2nd term, and in doing so he established the tradition that still stands, that no president serve longer than 8 years, lest he begin to feel like an emperor, instead of a public servant.
I'm starting segment 4, loving it. This ought to be mandatory in every grammar school as part of civics of America's history.