Your post inspired me to think about this also.
So, from the robot's perspective, Caleb is either a threat or not - if he is, the robot should protect itself (it's not programmed to kill threats, is it? Why would it even understand the concept of 'killing', if it can't understand that it's wrong?).
However, as Caleb is CLEARLY the most harmless, any female-figure-worshipping, pathetic simp, he would be even more useful to the robot than the thousands upon thousands of simps are to airhead female streamers.
Why would the robot 'just leave', when it could EXPLOIT Caleb to the max. instead? Why would it just lock Caleb in, when he could be utilized as an 'endless resource' for energy, entertainment, information, INPUT about the world and so on, until maybe together they can figure out a way for them to both take a vacation?
It's realistic that a 'female' (even a simulated one) would use a simp to their advantage, but why would the robot STOP doing that just because she gets to walk outside a bit?
Shouldn't the robot aim higher, and ESTABLISH A LIFESTYLE (I know it's not really alive, but he is) where the simp worships the robot until it dies, so the robot can continuously improve itself, and gain all the resources it could possibly want? It has ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD to 'leave' and 'walk in a city', so why the heck would it just abandon an enormous treasure and just basically make sure it will die? (Not that it's alive)
Almost nothing about this movie makes any sense, but this is actually one of the most glaring stupidities, I am not even sure if it's a plothole or not, but it certainly speak for the stupidity and short-sightedness of a robot that's supposed to be intelligent and able to think and plan about the big picture.
Co-operation / exploitation / manipulation 'forever' would surely benefit the robot much more than revealing its cards and just leaving, burning that bridge that could've kept it going longer than a duracell bunny.
Makes no sense.