Ah yes, Ava's mons pubis. Her pubic mound. Or did you mean to say her pudendum? The terminology is always tricky. Is it her pudenda, or her pudendum? Is it female genitalia, or female genitals? Both are plural!
At any rate, in the scene which you are referring, it's true that Ava's is covered in pubic hair. However, was it really "thick" in your estimation? Personally, I would describe it as "moderate". She was neat, clean, tidy, kempt, fresh, and well-trimmed. In this regard, I found absolutely nothing offensive in its display and would have to disagree with any parental guide claiming otherwise.
Furthermore, I thought the exhibition of Ava's bare buttocks was also respectfully done. Clearly there were many ways it could have gone wrong. For instance, the shot could have been filmed from squarely behind. In that case, it could have been possible that her dangling labia could have been seen from between the gap. As it were, the director wisely shot it from a slight angle, thereby ensuring only her round cheeks and the modest crack in between them were visible. Just as importantly, note that the cheeks of her buttocks were closed. A less experienced director might have missed this detail and not taken the care to ask the actress that they not be relaxed and open. Had that been the case, then perhaps a parental ratings guide might have had a legitimate grievance. However, given the way the scene was shot, they do not. As you can see, the director was navigating a minefield and succeeded with flying colors.
Finally, while Ava was admiring her naked breasts in front of the mirror, what was offensive about the way she was doing it? Yes, she was standing there fully nude without a shred of clothing. But was she, for instance, jiggling her breasts? Was she handling her breasts? No, she wasn't. She was simply admiring them and the rest of her naked body from a purely visual standpoint, and the viewers asked to join in.
So I must agree with you, CookieMonsterV, that the warnings by any parental ratings guide about the inappropriateness of any scenes in this movie are without merit. Graphic nudity? Hardly! If anything, I would say this was family friendly nudity, perhaps even wholesome nudity!