All they had to do..

..after getting into the water, was to have the three guys hold each other close and form a makeshift platform with their shoulders, the guys would then inhale as much as they can and hold their breath, while the lightest girl gets on top of their shoulders and gets on the boat, and then lowers the ladder.

Simple as that.

It was so annoying going through this movie and they don't even attempt a shoulder stand, and that is literally the first thing you would try in this situation.


I love this movie because it's so annoying. So, apparently, do many other people on this board and its IMDB predecessor

People have attacked your makeshift platform notion because the guys would have nothing to stand on. And it's true, IF they wanted to keep the girl above water indefinitely. But they'd only have to give her a moment's lift, and the deck was visibly only inches beyond reach. Meanwhile, synchronized swimmers routinely chuck their teammates entirely out of the water whilst swimming in the deep end.

In short, your suggestion has been debated to death. Suffice it to say, you're right on all counts. It's feasible AND it's annoying that they didn't even try. But that's what we love about this movie.


Totally agree with you.


Agreed. I was yelling the whole time for this.


I legit think about this and why they didn't try it all the time.
