Why didn't they...

So I've been watching alot of '...in peril' films recently. Been on a bit of a roll. Started with Reef, then Frozen, then Black Water, then Rogue and now this. And every time I go on imdb afterwards there are always people going 'oh why didn't they just...' and it gets a bit annoying! So that's not what I'm gonna do here.

But what I will say is this. The two techniques I could see that seemed likely to work were trying to stand on the inflatable dolphin and making a rope with their shorts. But the most frustrating thing about both those ideas was watching them pick the biggest, heaviest of the group to try the two methods. During the makeshift rope scene, they nearly make it. So if they had just got Dan's girlfriend to try, chances are she would have easily made it. Same, if less likely, as the dolphin idea.

I found it unbelievaby frustrating constantly watching them pick the heaviest person to try all the various ideas. So unbelievably stupid.
