MovieChat Forums > Open Water 2: Adrift (2006) Discussion > Could this work? (two possible ways to e...

Could this work? (two possible ways to escape)

Just watched the movie and I constantly thought that there might have been one (in fact maybe two) solutions to escape the water.

1. Imagine one person floating near the boat. Three persons dive beneath it trying to push the floating person upwards. At the same time a fourth person climbs onto the floating person and tries to jump to the top. Dunno if possible...

2. If you look at the bow of the yacht you see two notches (where the water floats out during the storm). One person could have grabbed the two notches while another person climbed onto the shoulders of the first one. From there it should have been possible to jump to the top.

What do you think?


Both should theoretically work, which is part of the reason that on some level this movie is idiotic.

On the other hand, never under-estimate the ability of people to screw up an otherwise totally winnable situation. As we have seen countless times, humankind has enough greed, selfishness, avarice, and idiocy to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory time and again.


No, you can't in each.

First if you were trying to get on top of someone (or 3 persons) if there is not floor under them, if they are floating all four would submerge.

2nd, the notches in the back are at an inclination, you can can grab them but above them the wall grows in diagonal . You would never have a chance to get on the shoulders of a friend and go up.


First if you were trying to get on top of someone (or 3 persons) if there is not floor under them, if they are floating all four would submerge.
correct. they won't push the floating person up, they will push themselves down.


HOWEVER...they only needed a bit more leverage and height...three people's force would've been enough floor to at the very least TRY to hold onto the bow of the ship and get on.....also, did no one think to play chicken with one of the girls and use THAT as'd work in the beginning because they were stronger and the men could've easily had them hop onto their shoulders with enough force and quickly enough to catch the side (or FRONT since it was the lowest part of the ship...even at an angle!) and then hoist her up to get to the much death and crying and fear for NO (and women), listen! DON'T BE A'll get your friends killed!!!


Agree about #2 but not #1. There were six people, five of them plus the life jacket certainly having enough buoyancy to give enough lift to the lightest person (the stick thin Michelle) for her to grab the rail, especially with all five kicking their feet vigorously. They would have to try it a few times and it wouldn't be easy but it could be done. In truth I'm amazed that's not one of the first things they tried.


I'm watching it now and yes. With like 7 people they could have found a way. The basic 4 arm link would be a basis for support. And one of the smaller girls could have grabbed the rung that's at the back of th boat. Not the holes u spoke of that's at an angle. But there's a shot of a handlebar.

Also after they throw the clothes around the bar they were stupid to have a guy climb from the bottom. That combined with having someone walk on a human bridge would have been enough.



True. Totally.


That is about as sure a sign as you'll ever see. Real men don't try so hard to prove their heterosexuality to others, because they're comfortable with it. That poster is clearly not.


The first thing that came to mind was this:

The lightest girl holds onto the rubber dolphin. The other five people (or four if you count out the water-shy girl) pull it under a few meters and then all let go at the same time. Upon emerging grab and win.

Really, at first they tried to jump up and they got so close that this little extra shove from the dolphin might have helped.


That was hilarious.


I see your hypothetical theories, but if they worked, obviously we wouldn't have this movie.


True ... but when they got naked and made the ' rope ' all they had to do was send the blonde girl up it no the 230 pound doode ... but as u sed if they did the obvious zero movie !



Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
