I'm a UK fan of the Halloween series and I was wondering if anyone who knows for sure could tell me if '25 Years of Terror' is a strictly region 1 DVD or multiregional as I only have a region 2 DVD player.
Most Anchor Bay DVDs are all region, but I just want to be sure.
From what I've read, it's Region 1, but they are getting everything sorted for an international release.
It could be though that Anchor Bay has it region free, but aren't advertising it as such. I find that to happen often with their stuff, as well as Blue Underground's.
Its a region 1 only disc, not region free...but get it anyway - and watch it in your PC ---- EXCELLENT DISC....
And dont buy UK Anchor Bay discs in general... its not the same company and their 5.1 mixes are very bad - they simply send the front two stereo channels to the rears on remixes...