MovieChat Forums > The Dark Knight (2008) Discussion > The Batman's Riddler vs. Dark Knight's J...

The Batman's Riddler vs. Dark Knight's Joker: Who Is The Better Villain?

Since 2008, The Dark Knight's Joker was uncontested as the best Batman villain on film. However, The Batman's Riddler shares many similarities.


Whilst I think Heath Ledger's performance is vastly overrated due to circumstances, the actual characterisation is surely better.

However given both these films have pretentions of "realism", the Riddler is perhaps a better representation on that score.

The Dark Knight still had that laughable quality of where exactly did these guys who are working with the Joker come from and why would they stick with a guy who could off them at any time. The Batman did a good job of addressing why people were actually following the Riddler.


The Riddler was terrible in the latest film. Generic villain that told some riddles, but not really at all in line with the character.


The Riddler needed a better movie to elevate him to Joker status.

TDK has a number of problems but is a much better film than TB.

Batman is difficult to translate to film. What works on in a comic book often looks silly in a film. For example - Robin and Batgirl work in the comics, but in film...

Recent directors claim thier movies are based in reality, but they aren't. A reality based Batman might work if set in the 40's using atom punk technology and a real noir detective story. Regardless of various claims TB was not noir or a detective story.

Bruce Wayne would have a bigger role as he is a social and business leader with access to information. Batman would show only to act on what Wayne has discovered.

But this filmis not what the public expects.


Riddler didn’t get enough screen time. While Ledger’s Joker got a lot of dialogue and screen time, Riddler really got one monologue near the end: his character was an unseen figure for most of the film

I do feel Paul Dano was good. But he didn’t get enough to work with to stand a chance in this comparison. The answer is Ledger’s Joker
