So I finally watched Deadpool.
I didn't see it theaters. Not a fan of the character. Really not a fan of Ryan Reynolds...
So expectations were not high. Even with the hype.
And I did not like the movie.
The humor was like Seth MacFarlane or something. Only less "edgy." So it was lame insults and refrences... Never really clicked with me.
The action was kinda nothing. Could not really get invested in that either...
So what's left? The single lamest romantic comedy ever...
I'm juvenile. I like aggressivly dumb. So in theory an "edgy" action movie that feels like it was written by nine year olds should have been right up my alley... But nope. Almost nothing clicked with me.
Colossus was fun. He bumps my rating up a bit. Also it's refreshing to see a movie that's like 100-105 minutes by the time credits roll... but that really is a *beep* compliment.
Go watch Kickass instead.
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Dan Aykroyd is a genius...