Why are people JUST NOW calling this movie overrated?
This movie is a masterpiece. When it came out and now. People are coming out of all corners calling it overrated all of a sudden?
This movie is a masterpiece. When it came out and now. People are coming out of all corners calling it overrated all of a sudden?
They're not. It's been fashionable to call it overrated for years.
shareI wasn't on the board back then. Otherwise, I would have been saying how incredibly over-rated this movie was and how if Ledger had not unfortunately passed away, way fewer people would have seen this movie.
I heard great things about it, but after seeing it I felt like "meh."
I wasn't on the board back then. Otherwise, I would have been saying how incredibly over-rated this movie was
I'm not seeing this sudden surge of people calling it overrated as you claim. As far as I can tell, it's remained pretty consistent.
If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -Angel
I sort of recall it being trendy for a lot of people to hate this film when it first came out.
Jeff Hanneman
Because better movies based on comic-books have come out since TDK have come out since then yet some still call this the greatest CB movie. How some can claim this is better than the WS is beyond me...
shareHow some can claim this is better than the WS is beyond me...
How some can claim that WS is better than this is beyond me...
Ha better than Winter Soldier...you make me laugh
shareA lot of people didn't like it even when it came out.
I, for one, discovered I hated it somewhere in the middle when I realized that this was a James Bond movie disguised as a Batman film with a bunch of political commentary added in to make it more "hip".
For example, the "Realism" that everyone raved so much about isn't really real. Its only as real as the "realism" in a Bond movie where Bond gets shot with a 7.62mm sniper rifle and lives or where a villain's henchman gets cracked in the side of the head with a tire iron and just grimaces. And don't even get me started with the "realism" of several hundred parents on a boat that can't blow up the boat next to them (filled with criminals) to save their own children's lives (I seriously wanted to see all those people dead by the end of the film just because, if you can't find it in yourself to kill to protect your children you don't deserve to live or to have children). Realism is more than just not really having green hair and pale skin...when people say they want realism in a film they usually mean they want people to behave like real people.
But, 8 years ago, there was no way to call it "overrated" given that this discussion board was hijacked buy a group of people who posted endless off topic posts (things like, "I Like Orange Juice" or "Things I'm Watching on TV Right Now") that pushed all legitimate discussion off the bottom of the page.
This was deliberate and calculated despite what some people claimed.
There were some cute little YouTube videos exclaiming that this was because, "All legitimate discussions on the movie was exhausted" which, in an of itself, is an outrageous and totally offensive statement showing just how arrogant the crowd was given that people are still arguing about Citizen Kane and 2001: A Space Odyssey decades later.
Given that there was a active program to get everyone to vote this movie a "10" and, at the same time, to vote a "1" for anything above it on the Top Movies list (to RIG this film into the "#1 movie of all time" slot) its pretty obvious that there was a active movement of bullying and manipulation going on to make sure no one said a single bad world about the "Brilliance" of this movie.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who get binary and those who don't.
Nobody suggested it was more true to life than any other film ever made. It's a more grounded approach on superheroes than your standard CBM, that's all.
But, 8 years ago, there was no way to call it "overrated" given that this discussion board was hijacked buy a group of people who posted endless off topic posts (things like, "I Like Orange Juice" or "Things I'm Watching on TV Right Now") that pushed all legitimate discussion off the bottom of the page.
This was deliberate and calculated despite what some people claimed.
There were some cute little YouTube videos exclaiming that this was because, "All legitimate discussions on the movie was exhausted" which, in an of itself, is an outrageous and totally offensive statement showing just how arrogant the crowd was given that people are still arguing about Citizen Kane and 2001: A Space Odyssey decades later.
Given that there was a active program to get everyone to vote this movie a "10" and, at the same time, to vote a "1" for anything above it on the Top Movies list (to RIG this film into the "#1 movie of all time" slot) its pretty obvious that there was a active movement of bullying and manipulation going on to make sure no one said a single bad world about the "Brilliance" of this movie.
Credit where credit is due, at least it is an original conspiracy theory, not the same old sock-voting against other movies and death threats to reviewers stuff.
shareCall it a "Conspiracy Theory" if you like but, regardless whether I'm right or wrong, the end effect was the same.
Point 1 - NO other discussion board in the history of the IMDB has ever been hijacked as completely and totally as the Dark Knight's was between 2008 just within the past few years. I don't really know when it finally ended because I just stopped visiting the board because it was obvious no one was ever going to actually be able to talk about the film.
Point 2 - At the start of the whole saga I remember trying to figure out what the deal was with all the "Off Message Posts". The whole message board would get cleared out by the Admins with postings by them talking about "getting banned for off message posts" but new posts would pop up just as quickly (by guys with accounts that were minutes old) stating that for every account the Admins banned they would just create 2 more...
And the "off topic posts" continued.
Point 3 - For the few hours anyone could keep a real discussion on the boards, any negative discussion that started were quickly Trolled by the same names as were currently posting, "I like Narnia" and 10 different posts, one by one, of the 10 actress they liked.
Here's my point...Its immaterial if I loath this movie for what it did to my Joker, my Two Face and my Scarecrow and its equally immaterial if you love it. There is no discussion that is going to change either of our two minds so it really doesn't matter one way or the other.
But regardless the fact remains that, for many years, this board was rendered silent by a cacophony of "noise" which fostered no discussion, most of which had ZERO replies and were just shoved down along with all the others as more were piled on top. And if these people were really talking to each other, they could have just moved over to virtually any film made in the 50's or 60's that have NO discussion at all. But they did not...they continued to shovel that noise onto this board endlessly. Actually, it was so continuous that, in my mind, it had to be coordinated because no one has that much free time.
Nobody was trying to silence negative opinions. Get a grip already.
Is that what took you so long to make this negative post?
There's always room for legitimate criticism of any film, TDK is no exception.
This conspiracy theory of yours is total nonsense. There were tools who were lobbying to get TDK to the #1 spot, but those people were long gone by the time the video about how all discussion had been exhausted was made. Even then, the video was aimed at idiots asking the same stupid questions over and over again. Nobody was trying to silence negative opinions. Get a grip already.
Is that what took you so long to make this negative post? Were you afraid the big bad bullies on the TDK board were going to come after you? How old are you?
There's always room for legitimate criticism of any film, TDK is no exception.
Re: Why are people JUST NOW calling this movie overrated?
by Lord_Pepe_of_House_Meme » Tue Jun 28 2016 22:21:45
IMDb member since May 2011This conspiracy theory of yours is total nonsense. There were tools who were lobbying to get TDK to the #1 spot, but those people were long gone by the time the video about how all discussion had been exhausted was made. Even then, the video was aimed at idiots asking the same stupid questions over and over again. Nobody was trying to silence negative opinions. Get a grip already.
You can call it a "conspiracy theory" all you want, but it actually happened.
Before the TDK was released, The Godfather had long reigned supreme at the #1 spot of the Top 250.
After the film was released, TDK was very close to the top spot on the Top 250; I believe it was at #3. Long story short, thousands of fanboys of TDK gave The Godfather a 1/10, while giving TDK a 10/10 over the course of a month or two. There were threads calling for users to participate every single day.
The result of this, was The Godfather being bumped down and The Shawshank Redemption coming out on top.