A correlation between THE DARK KNIGHT and our current political dilemma
Donald Trump is the Joker.
The thinkers of the world are Batman. Those of us that actually want to fight injustice, speak freely, and try to turn the tide against the madness it is heading toward.
Everyone in this country who has always secretly been racist, bigoted, hateful, and believes that God tells them its okay to do so is the mob. Those that prey on the weak-minded with fear and scare tactics.
There's too many of us now, you see. What with the internet, YouTube, and a hundred other sites, there are just too many of us waking up to the misery and suffering of the world to control. Hell, we can't even be silenced by the "terrorist threat" they constantly air on Fox News to keep us in our houses, afraid to go out into the world.
Want proof? Why do you think YouTube is suddenly shifting all of its policies toward censorship? Towards monitoring and classifying everything everyone says and does on their site? Dictating what is and what is not "subversive" or "offensive" material?
Almost the entire structure of America is built on systems of fear: You can't speak against your boss, or you'll be fired. You have to do what your boss says, or you're fired. Democracy does not exist in the workplace.
If you raise your voice in an argument in a public place, such as WalMart, for example, you will be asked to leave by Security. You are not allowed to discuss religion or politics at your workplace. You are not allowed to be angry, or show anger in a public place at any time for fear that the Police will be notified that you are acting "suspicious".
There is no safe place to discuss things, save your own home. And, according to some of the things Snowden has been saying, the fear-mongers are listening to that, too.
But you can't silence all of us. And the internet is very hard to control, so... In their desperation, they are more than willing to hire Mr. Trump as the new CEO of America, with all his promises of income and change and deportation and border closing and all the other bells and whistles of oppression and hatred that they have come to cherish as true, decent, God-fearing qualities of the TRUE Americans.
The only trouble is, he's the Joker. The only person he's really looking out for is himself. Promises aside, the only person that's going to walk away with all the money is HIM. What he will do with it is anyone's guess (especially since we can't even SEE his tax report, remember?).
I thought of this interesting correlation and thought I would share it with you. Disagree if you like. Vote for whoever your conscience dictates. Do what you think is best, for you.
It's only an opinion, after all.
My thoughts: https://xanderpayne.blogspot.com
My book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01G6OI7HG
You didn't come here to make the choice, you're here to understand why you made it.