The hospital destruction

Anyone know how the Joker and his crew managed to rig up the entire hospital to come down like a controlled demolition without being discovered by hospital personal and security?


I can't wait for a Nolanite to explain this one. 


That senseless scene is why I can't watch that movie all the way through! 

- - - -

- - Batman Homage


Funny that there have been at least a couple of Nolantards on the board since you posted that, but none of them have posted their BS explanation.

Same thing with the bombs/fuel on the ferry's (no I don't mean Spencer and Hippo). How did he get it all there without getting caught? On TWO boats nonetheless. It wasn't his crew on the boats so the guards/crew would have found it right away.

It would have been better if he'd had them place bombs under the bottom of the ships.


Considering the world that we live in, the logistics of such event don't really raise a lot of questions for me. If imbeciles like VAGINOnicknamed, who are obviously dangerous to the society, somehow have internet access and are not brought to justice for cyber-pedophilia, the hospital scene from The Dark Knight isn't that big of a deal.


Wouldn't "corruption in Gotham" be the answer to how most villains get away with it? The thing that's driving Batman?

And while hospitals do have security it's not like they rigged a prison or army base. It's sick people, doctors, and the occasional security guard. The Joker was disguised as a cop and nurse in the same movie. If he can do that with a mangled face I'm sure 'normal' looking people could disguise themselves as maintenance, doctors, etc. long enough to do that in a place like Gotham.

I'd love to see you in the moonlight with your head thrown back and your body on fire.


It wasn't one or two sticks of dynamite he lit. It was a controlled explosion which means it didn't blast everything everywhere like when a missile hits a target during war.

In order to do that, he would have had to had explosives strategically placed throughout the supports and wired so they exploded at slightly different times thus making the building fall in on itself.

That would mean lots of man-hours locating the proper spots and drilling into the supports.


You realise The Dark Knight is a fictional piece of entertainment right? Where the main character is absolutely loaded but dresses up a bat...


*Cue the stock reply about how TDK's fans praise its realism*

The future is in the hands of a man who has none.(As in no future, as opposed to no hands.)


You are a seer!


You do realize that the people who praise this movie as one of the best ever praise it because it is so "realistic" and "grounded in realism", right?


Everyone I know who likes it, likes it becuase it is a good, entertaining movie.


Re: The hospital destruction
by justanicknamed
» 7 hours ago (Wed Dec 21 2016 10:34:56)
IMDb member since March 2014

You do realize that the people who praise this movie as one of the best ever praise it because it is so "realistic" and "grounded in realism", right?

Complete and utter bullšhit.

If anything the reverse is true.

To be sure there are a few fans of the Nolan Batman movies who praise them because of their relative realism in relation to previous Batman movies but by and large the 'realism' argument has been made by detractors.

Since day one a primary criticism among many of the movies detractors has been precisely that the movies are too realistic. It has always been the fans who have pointed out that the movies are not realistic and that they certainly aren't any more realistic than the comics upon which they are based.

It has always been the majority of fans who have decried the nonsense of the idea that these movies are realistic. It has always been the majority of fans who have pointed out that these movies are not realistic.

Again, and I hate to let facts get in the way of your ongoing battles with dementia and paralogia, it has been people who are detractors who complain about the movies being realistic.

