About the fight scenes...
I don't think that many realize this, but the fight scenes in these movies were intentionally staged they way they were. It wasn't because Nolan can't do fight scenes or anything like that. That complaint is stupid in itself, since directors don't know anything about fight choreography. They just hire certain people to stage fight scenes and that's it. The reason why fight scenes in these movies feel awkward and reactionary at times, is, well, because that's how it goes in real life.
I don't know how many of those who say these complaints were in the real fights, but as someone who spent his youth fighting douchebags in his neighborhood, the fact of the matter is, real life fights between real people look awkward.
I think people just don't understand that all those stylistic fights from martial arts movies look so cool because they are staged to look cool, not realistic. In real life, real fights are reactionary. Nobody can predetermine where or when his opponent will strike.
But I guess since Batman have learned martial arts, he has to be always ahead of everyone in the fight?
Just because someone learned how to fight, it still doesn't mean that he'll fight like in movies.
Wrestler Dave Batista fights in a staged wrestling match:
Wrestler Dave Batista in a real MMA fight:
Like he did with many elements in these movies, Nolan wanted the fight choreography to be practical rather than stylistic.