"If in fact there was supposed to have been something in their past I would say the filmmaker failed to make it mean anything"
"If the filmmaker meant to hint at something in their past, she seems to have succeeded, not failed. After all, half the people on here got that impression."
So if a lot of people think that Luke and Han had a thing going on the side does that mean that Lucas "succeeded" in hinting that they in fact did? I think this is more of a case of a few viewers mistaking a "discovery" of a supposed homoerotic reference in popular entertainment as a genuine intellectual achievement. Film reviews are littered with them, but rightly so at times - it has become a hackneyed substory in some films, such as in Hostel 2.
I am not questioning that some people got an impression, I am questioning that there was in fact a hinting. While that is arguable, I fail to see that if in fact it was a hint, that this particular assertion of a past sexual entanglement really means something, or jibes in the context of the whole film. Cut that moment out, or adjust it so that it doesn't appear so homoerotic (say with all their clothes on, in a bar or something, a friend giving a friend a shoulder rub), and the character arcs and the story stand as just the same: it's about two old friends who get together and find that they can never be the same friends as before. I challenge that if in fact they had an ongoing sexual relationship sometime in the past their interactions would have been totally different, and Mark would probably not have gone out to the woods with him - Kurt would have been an old boyfriend, not a friend. That's a different story than was played out here.
But I will say this- many heterosexual males, usually when single, form friendships that are like marriage, to a degree, that doesn't have to involve any sexual attraction for one another. They live together, see each other naked plenty, talk about anything, laugh and cry and help each other out, money is no object, what one owns is the other's (the point of the "mind if I sleep in your tent" line, in the past Kurt would not have had to ask), give each other massages, all without actually wanting to have sex. In fact the total disinterest in that form of intimacy allows for a unique bond. Most of the time these relationships end or radically change with some amount of sadness when one or both form sexual marriages with women.