I can see it all now. Kurt and Mark return for what we think is going to be another introspective, quiet weekend in the mountains. They park at the spot. Kurt pulls a bazooka out of the Volvo and, smoking a cigar, fires it at the bathhouses. It goes up in an explosion of Bruckheimer proportions:
MARK (watching the explosion): Jesus Christ... (Pause. Kurt takes a long drag off the cigar) KURT: Superstar.
Anyway, they drive back to their respective homes. Mark has hot passionate sex with his wife, played by the smokin' Eva Mendes, while Kurt pulls a knife in a street fight with a thug played by Tyrese.
That's probably the funniest thing I've ever read. No, really, proper laugh out loud (lol) funny. This is me: *hand points to woman laughing* laughing. If I was to make a dead comedian sandwich to capture your genius I'd have: Bill Hicks-mayo-Richard-Prior-mayo-mustard-Bill-Hicks. Sorry, I'm kidding - I like your post; I'm just bitter 'cause my boyfriend just told be he's been knobing - that is the term, isn't it? - my room - clothes all over the campus; toothbrush in my no-no - mate, and friend.
First of all, if you want to say the movie sucks, just go to one of the many "Old Joy sucks" boards (or, hell, make your own!) and express your opinion here. I'm just trying to be funny here.
Also, BTW, you folks on IMDB have absolutely no sense of humor. Okay, "Old Joy" is a low-budgeted, incredibly subtle film and the idea of a big-budgeted sequel like the one I've presented here is completely ludicrous, and, thus, the joke. I thought at least SOMEBODY could find SOMETHING funny about that, but I guess you're all too busy arguing about Halle Berry.
Well, it seemed kind of funny to me. I just haven't had the opportunity to see the movie yet, though I'd like to. I just saw the trailer and it didn't tell me very much, really. But I'd like to take a look. The one thing that comes to mind after watching the trailer is, Sideways. Maybe you could comment. Thanks.
I recently contacted a few old friends whom I'd camped with in the White Mtns. in NH way back in the mid-70s. We rehashed memories and had quite a few laughs.
This movie just robbed me -- 70 minutes - gone.
I tried and tried, but how many times can one watch a Volvo cruising through the country side before it gets boring. It was just too unrealistic to me - unless it was supposed to be about 2 of the most boring dudes on the planet who decided to go to the hot springs.
Sorry, to those involved in the project. Kudos for getting it made and into Sundance and all that. But you really didn't make me care about the characters. The dog? Yes. The characters, no.