You don't need to be a hipster to enjoy or understand this film. It's just not a goal-oriented story that depends upon conflict or resolution, that's all. It's more of an observation, a meditation, on the loss of friendship & connection, the loneliness of modern life, the lack of personal meaning & personal contact with another human being, and alienation from both each other & their inner selves.
Both characters once shared a strong bond of friendship, which has frayed & gradually disintegrated over the years as their life choices have taken them in different directions. What they don't say, what they avoid saying, is more revealing than what they do say. They are lost in an increasingly cold & friendless society.
One has tried to remain separate from it, remaining true to his inner voice, but that doesn't prevent him from being lost & lonely; the other has bought into what society tells him is supposed to fulfill his life & give it meaning, but he's also lost & lonely, except that he can't see it quite as clearly as his former friend does.
The point is that the promises of success & maturity in modern society are, more often than not, cold & empty. Even more, they're damaging & soul-crushing. When we buy into them, surrender to them, we not only don't get all the rewards we've been promised, but we lose something precious & vital of ourselves in the process. We lose ourselves.