It's not a gay film in the sense that the main dudes are not plugging one another. But the film does explore the idea of male intimacy. I would say in fact, it's more about the "lack" of intimacy, and a sort of attempt to create it where it doesn't exist. I don't think it's the fault of their particular relationship though. The non-bearded guy is just sort of an emotional vacuum, without much of a connection with his wife either - he's a guy who isn't really living but rather just goes through the motions of life. You can also see this in terms of his attitude toward having a child. He gives a very non-compelling explanation for being a parent, essentially describing it as a chore to be endured. I don't think there is any real hope for him either without large paradigm shifting changes in his life, the guy is basically doomed to an empty life, incapable of feeling. I think the bearded guy has a lot more potential for happiness, but being about the other guy is somewhat soul crushing. While the things that I am describing are not gay in particular, they could still be of interest to someone inclined to gay themes because of the parallels that might exist in gay relationships.