Filming has started!

Filming for this has now started and is expected to last until 13 April when the cast and crew move onto Yorkshire for a further 3 weeks.

Co-owner/mod of


are you sure>?? because jennifer is fully booked up with chicago until 5th may!!


Says it here: - unless they are fitting Jennifer's schedule in around her time in Chicago?

Co-owner/mod of


It may be that her role in the film is such that she doesn't need to be present on-set for a great deal of time and her scenes could be done in a few days, perhaps - or indeed, as has been suggested, filming may be arranged around her commitments or vice versa.


She may has an understudy that takes her place when needed.
So she could infact be available for filming, while another person fills her slot.



Hi, I am the director of the film, and I have to say that is the funniest thing I have read in ages. It made me laugh out loud a lot.

Editing the film, may have something to show people someday.



paul 3139... are you really the director?

if so, then how's the film coming along?
my mates keeps asking when it's being released
and it's driving me nuts!..

see ya in a few...

"muk li"
