Disturbing hair style

I started watching this film on TV after it had already begun. I have to say N. Cage, and most everyone else in this film, hand in horrible acting performances. But beyond that, there was something about Cage that was extremely off-putting. I finally realized that he looked like a girl because he had no sideburns whatsoever. His hairline begins above his ears. Was he wearing some kind of wig in this? It was too disturbing. I had to stop watching this.


Ha-ha, la-31! That made me laugh!

While I didn't have so strong a reaction as yours, I was really bewildered by Cage's hair. It just looked so much like a wig, and a really bad one at that ... did Cage choose it (was it his own real-life hair piece?), or the film-makers? Either way, why would the producers allow their lead character to look so odd and unnatural? It was strangely distracting.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


:) It was very bewildering to say the least. It was definitely too distracting, and the film held very interest, so I kept staring at his hair (or lack of it by the ears).

Perfect signature, by the way.


I had to come on here and post the same thing.
I kept looking at his hair and wondering why he did that. I never thought that Cage may need a hair piece. It doesn't look like a piece to me, just a bad doo and hair color.


I think there must be something wrong with me. I watched the movie twice and never noticed his hair style. I was just interested in the story.

"Did you make coffee...? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


He looked even worse in Bad Lieutenant.


Yeah bad hair piece and no sideburns, not a good look! At least his wig stayed on in both films, what with all the water!
