Page 47 - The Fountain of Youth

Just watched this for the first time last night on DVD.

First thing I thought of when Ben said "Life Altering" at the end - Fountain of Youth.

That would be pretty damn life altering, if you ask me. Another great American myth that was actually searched for but never found.

I Rock.



Yeah plus Riley pointed that section out (Area 51) and Gates said "We don't have time for that" or something to that effect.


Is the Fountain of Youth not meant to be in the Caribbean?

Oh, Florida... That could work.

I hope it hasn't mixed with the Everglades though, that stank!


It won't be the Fountain of Youth. There were hints in that other Disney series Pirates of the Carribean, that they would go for the fountain. But wouln't it be a kick if Ben and Riley go after the fountain of youth and find Jack Sparrow and Barbossa drinking away? That would be the biggest crossover for movies since Godzilla vs King Kong!


whoa, well, that would be... what a budget the film must have then LOL but i like that thought LOL make that a 3-hours-movie ;)


I believe the finding of the "holy grail", Fountain of Youth, whatever you want to call it will be a *realisation*, not a physical discovery.

A year ago, I went online and found msyelf looking at MASSES of information which I just knew was not on the Internet that I was familiar with. It was all this stuff about Grey Aliens etc!? Thousands of pages stuffed with pictures and detailed descriptions were returned! I bookmarked some pages and of course they would automatically have been logged in the cache, but, the next day when I decided to print off some proof of what I'd "found" or been shown, there were no links whatsoever to be found. Nothing. NO trace of me even having visited the pages - it was as though the memory and the evidence had been wiped out.
Fork & knife :-)

A few months ago, I had an almost identical experience when I'd been given a reason let's say to search for a known-shaped island off the coast of N America. I was amazed that I found what I was looking for (Google Earth) and again I pinmarked it just in case. When I went back to it the next day, nothing. I had noted a name of a piece of land in the vicinity of the island and put that into the search field but - nothing came up. It was as if I'd been transferred into a parallel universe where one thing existed to be found/seen, and then brought back to where, frustratingly, it wasn't there any more!


Refer-me, that is interesting, (and unfortunate) might i suggest that if you ever stumble upon anything else like that again; PRINT IT, and immediately.

1. Send copies to everyone you know, telling them to guard it with their lives, as it is much more valuable than any of theirs.

2. Hide a copy in your attic, deep behind your box of entangled Christmas lights and label it 'My 6th grade science project' to try and throw 'them' off.

3. Make another copy and bury it in your neighbors backyard (exactly 12 and a half feet) *wait until night fall, to avoid unwanted sightings.

4. Finally, you must give me the original copy. But not online, it would be too risky. You must tie the package up, and place it in a waterproof box (it MUST be waterproof) then head towards the nearest harbor of the Atlantic Ocean. There a gangly man with an untrimmed beard and an eye patch for each eye will be waiting. He is an associate of mine. He will drive you out to the waters on his boat, and you must tell him to stop at the lone green buoy at sea; you must then tie the box to the rope attached to the buoy. I will later retrieve the documents and decipher their secrets.

Until then, i thank you in advance, as we will never meet face to face. You're already a great help in our never ending burden of finding out the truth, and setting it free to the people.

- Mr. Poole

We've come to the conclusion that The Bird is greater than or equal to The Word.


Everyone keeps saying that the Gates uttering the phrase "life altering" means that whatever is on p. 47 has to be something like proof of aliens are the fountain of youth that would be life altering for all mankind. However, maybe Gates just means it would be life altering for him personally and so could just be another huge treasure.
I would say that the first two treasures he found were pretty "life altering" for Gates, wouldn't you?

"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"


on the 3rd one, Ben and friends look for the Fountain of youth and when they find it, they meet up with Jack sparrow and friends and drink rum and live happily because now theyre rich AND immortal. hahahaha

im not making fun of you or being sarcastic, I just remembered POTC3 when you said Fountain of Youth




jack sparrow is searching for the fountain of youth. gates has to look for something else.
