Nicholas Cage says of NT3 ....

On a local Dallas area radio station last week, Nicholas Cage said he hadn't even seen a script yet. They were still working on getting one together. That puts the release of NT3 out a little farther than many of us had hoped.

"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"


better to let them work on it and try to make it better rather than rushing one out and have it stink. But I am eager to see a 3rd movie.


I agree with you entirely, but instead of 2010 or 2011, it's looking more like 2012 at the earliest for NT3.

"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"



Calm down, calm down. They have plenty of time. If they start filming in late 2010 or even early 2011 then they can easily get it out by November or December 2011. Hell, according to this site NT2 started filming in March 2007 and it came out in December 2007.



Just saw this one (NT2) on TV, and realized that I have been wondering about the next one - there has to be one, it has been hinted at in the ending of NT2 (what WAS on that page? the fountain of youth?), and am incredibly hopeful in seeing NT3 at some point. I hope they begin filming soon, though I am also hopeful in that they put out the best they possibly can!


there has to be one, it has been hinted at in the ending of NT2

I don't think you can ever take those sorts of references as meaning they're planning a sequel, though. Yeah, I know an NT3 has been announced, but it may not be the follow-up of the bits of hanging information from NT2 that everyone's expecting. I think those were just there to say "nothing's ever finished", to make it clear that Ben and Abigail and Riley's lives will continue to be adventurous.

Example: I just recently watched an early Stephen Sommers movie called "Deep Rising", where the heroes escape the sea-monster by reaching an island, which turns out to be inhabited by another unknown monster. The movie ends with the line "What now?"; for a long time people have been claiming that was a deliberate set-up for a coming sequel that would be set on the island, but of course it wasn't. It was just a cute misdirection ending. Maybe the same thing is going to happen with "page 47".

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


2012?! Doesn't the world end in 2012?

"Mr.Cotton's...parrot. Same question."


LOL. Don't worry. 2011 is more likely


For the world ending or NT3 coming out?!

"Mr.Cotton's...parrot. Same question."


2012?! Doesn't the world end in 2012?

Now we know what the plot of NT3 centers around!

"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"


National Treasure (I don't know about this one) had a very very little CGI and so the postproduction is very minimal.

I know Quantum of Solace started filming in March 2008 and was done and out by November 2008.


quantum started filming in january,not march.
this could be done by 2011. and it could be by 2012.i think it is more question of a better release date for them.i think cage is done filming drive angry in june.after 3,4 months of rest he will do ghost rider 2 and after that national treasure.either way,2011. and 2012. will both be HUGE,GIGANTIC years and they better set their date earlier so they can secure good spot...


It can be filmed in short enough time, but prior to the start of the filming there is a mountain of pre-production work to do, and most of that's once they have the script. Which they don't.

"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"


details for National Treasure 2 didn't even arrive until August of 2006. Filming didn't begin until February of 2007, the same year the movie came out. Hell, the title Book of Secrets was only revealed in January 2007. So its completely possible to get NT3 done for a November or December 2011 release.


details for National Treasure 2 didn't even arrive until August of 2006. Filming didn't begin until February of 2007, the same year the movie came out. Hell, the title Book of Secrets was only revealed in January 2007. So its completely possible to get NT3 done for a November or December 2011 release.

To quote from NT2BOS, "What about now?".

"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"


According to IMDB the earliest we can expect NT3 is 2014 kiddies.


2012?! Doesn't the world end in 2012?

The world can't end in 2012. Marty McFly has been to 2015.
