The one thing that ticks me off...

Is all the haters calling this movie "Too Unrealistic." Did you go into this movie expecting "The Godfather?" COME ON!!!!!

While I am ranting & raving, I have one other thing to say: Why is Raiders of the Lost Ark not being criticized for being "Too Unrealistic?" It is just chock full of escapism NT2! Indy surviving riding on the submarine for however long that time period would have been? All those snakes in one spot? The Nazis don;t notice them digging all night? These are just a few things, I could go on for hours.

Do you agree? Disagree? Comment PLEASE!



Having an unrealistic movie is the fun about it. I go to a movie to be amazed, not to see something I see everyday, I want to see something that has imagination in it!! If Indiana Jones and National Treasure were realistic then their wouldn't be any point of watching the movie. If I want to watch a realistic movie then I will watch a movie based on a true story, but sometimes it is just nice to watch a movie that someone actually had to sit down and think about how to make this movie amazing, and that is what Indiana Jones and National Treasure are: amazing!!!

I don't know a lot about anything, but I know a little about practically everything






For BirderJoe: I agree with what you're saying. There is a type of movie that is realistic. Its called a documentary. Generally, movies are dramatic re-creations of events that have occured. Some movies are closer to what have occured than others.
A good example of a fairly realistic movie would be Saving Private Ryan. It comes as close as any movie to portraying the chaos of war. Now if you want a movie that doesn't come close to portraying historical events, Maverick with Mel Gibson, is as far from what the wild west really was. Its funny, but unrealistic.
What a lot of posters ignore, or fail to ever learn, is movies are made for different reasons. Some are comedies, some dramatic, and some have their tongues stuck so far on their cheeks, its amazing anyone could take them seriously. All we have to do is enjoy them for what they are.

As a birder, how close to the book do you think The Big Year is gonna be?

I find your lack of faith disturbing.


Are you a historian?!


I'd like to see you go on a few hours about Raiders. How dare you compare the two films. Raiders was an incredible adventure film inspired by the adventure movie serials of the 30's (a genre that had been non-existent in film for nearly 50 years).

National Treasure 1+2 fall more within the Da Vinci Code vein (e.g. all the codes and conspiracy theories).

The primary issue with National Treasure 2 is that the plot makes no sense. It is an insultingly illogical story. That is why it is "Too unrealistic".

Regarding Raiders:
1. The submarine only only submerged to periscope depth. Indy held on.
2. The snakes scene is a classic scene that hearkens back to the great serials.
3. Regarding the digging: It was dark and they were a good distance from the Nazi camp. They were spotted that morning. Additionally, there was a lot of digging going around. Belloq, the leader of the expedition, spotted the unsanctioned digging.

Most importantly, none of these things are so unrealistic that it removes the viewer from the story. National Treasure 2 does not do this as well.
