The Page

In the flashback, we see them pursue Thomas and his son. After a few moments, he throws it into the fire, etc, etc. Present day we hear Mitch's claim that his name is on a "list among the other conspirators of the Lincoln assassination." But what I dont understand is why Ben or Patrick could fire back and make the claim that since it wasn't even Thomas' book, they could've written down everyone they wanted to consult with helping them. Yes, while his name is on that list, doesn't mean anything worthwhile. We already know he was being pursued and they make an example of the lady who gave Booth supplies during that time. It could've of just simply been a list that they created of people they wanted to go to talk to different ways to create the whole mess of the assassination, and finding the treasure, in Thomas' case. But why didn't anybody think of that to make that claim?


Even if they made that claim, it doesn't solve the controversy.

Ben and Patrick are challenged by Mitch after they lecture on the very story of Thomas's involvement with Booth and the lost treasure that would have enabled the Confederacy to fund their war effort. But all they have is fragments of evidence and the story that Patrick's grandfather told him. Mitch has the actual page from the diary that seemingly implicates Thomas as a co-conspirator.

While that page doesn't actually prove anything, it does put Thomas's name on a list along with known conspirators in the assassination plot. Patrick argues that it doesn't mean anything, and he saw the truth in his grandfather's eyes. But having physical evidence supporting one theory tips the balance, forcing Ben and Patrick to find more clues and ultimately the treasure in order to prove that Thomas's involvement was forced, not voluntary.
