Curious...meaning of All-seeing-eye??

Just saw the movie & found it cheesy n lame but...

Not being an American, I'm unclear on the meaning of the eye. If I'm correct, it's also printed on the US currency.

Any ideas to wat it actually represents? Also, I noticed it always comes hovering over a pyramid. Any relevance to that?


It is not an American symbol but rather a Masonic one. It represent the 'all seeing eye of God". Anything more than that I would have to kill you then kill myself ;)

'I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you' - Mal


Yes, it's the all-seeing eye of God (or the Master Builder). The representation of it above an unfinished pyramid stands for unfinished work. Apparently, America's Founding Fathers recognized that what they were doing was not an end unto itself, but rather the beginning of a nation that would continue to grow and change, which they built into their system of government, allowing for amendments to the Constitution, a peaceful transfer of power via election of government officials, etc.
