The resolute puzzle

Its been very well established during the last movie and the beginning of this movie that Ben is a history buff and knows almost anything there is to know about American history, hell not only American.

So when he is read the text from the Lady of Liberty in Paris, why does it take him so long to figure it out? - Surely a man of his character and knowledge should have known the MINUTE the french policer officer used a word like resolute and twin that it was referring to the resolute desk, something all american history buffs knows. And he didnĀ“t even go to the white house desk first, but the british one... I dont know.. that whole puzzle annoyed me.

That whole reasoning or deduction of reason was so forced.. it was just way to easy for him to not have known right away. Agreed?

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reply's a movie sooo...but yes I thought the same thing. And the reason they went to that one 1st is because it was right there:)


I think he was using it as a diversion to prevent Riley from being ticketed/arrested for the drone helicopter and including the policeman into their "dilemma."
