Francisco Bosch as King Tut

I'm so excited that the gorgeous boy who played Colin Farrell's lover in Alexander is going to be the title role of this movie!!! I hope we get to see a bit more of him in this movie...maybe he'll actually have some lines!!!


YES. Or just a sex scene. Or a dance scene. I'm happy.


^_^ I can't wait to see it!


Well...he did have to learn Egyptian and had to learn how to sword fight aswell. So I think he's got a few lines


why won't hollywood get a person of color to play king tut. Racist hollywood is at it again. Again people Egyptians are black!! Not white and not spaniards!! Get it together!!!


They're not always depicted as black. I've seen so really light pictures of Tut and some really dark ones. His skin is tanned but that's about it. They could of gotten a black person to do it and I would of been fine with it. I've got nothing against black people, but I've never heard of Tut being black and I'm a History major. Fran looks a bit like the statues of Tut if you ask me...only slightly thinner faced


You need to know what you are talking about before you point a finger...the Egyptians themselves were not of "Nubian" origin....they were their own people more asian than arabic...but not african the pictures on some walls of tombs it shows "Nubians" as slaves and captured people..however the population as a whole..were...Egyptian...some.."Nubians" lived in egypt just as greeks and other peoples did they lived and worked there. Just as the US is a mixing pot so was Egypt...some.."Nubians" rose to high ranking a vizier or high priest of Amun...and Once even a Pharoah..(Tut's general Horemheb) but not by blood only by Succession. Alot of people don't realize not only the Scientific evidence of the Egyptians race but the Historical and Pictorial proof. There was a Race of peoples beyond the Egytian border to the south called Ancient Kush ..or is other info on this..
they were the people who really controlled the gold since it cam from their region. These "Nubians" were almost all of african origin..but just like Egypt they had slaves from other countries and other races. Something to understand is that these are two seperate civilizations..that existed at the same time and relied upon each other for goods. At the time of King Tut the Pharoahs were of egyptian origin this can be proved by a simply taking a look at the bone density and facial features of mummys. King Tut as you have said is not white nor hispanic ...but since there are no true Egyptians left who do they really have to choose from. I think the movie will hopefully speak for it's self and be a good movie. I wish there were real egyptians left because they were a beautiful, resourceful, and intelligent people..but the fact is they died out. The blood that lies in King Tuts veins as well as other Pharoahs was a rare and unique blood type that is incredible rare or doesn't exist... so we will just have to go on the evidence the Egyptians left us.



I would like to point out this so-called rare and extinct bloodline of the Egyptians is completely false. They weren't some lost race or ethnic group. And the relationship between Egypt and Nubia was a lot more complex than master and slave. Too many people allow the historical situation of black people in America to influence their view of the relationship of the Nubians and Egyptians. And finally just because the Egyptians may have been slightly lighter in skin color than the Nubians does not mean they couldn't be considered black.


That really depends on your definition of black. Skin color wise they were probably closest to modern day arabs than anything else. Facially they looked either like blacks or whites depending on how far up the Nile they were. Tutankhamon has blackish features while his mother (or stepmother, or mother-in-law or whatever) looked lily-white. And it's kind of hard to judge his father because he had all those weird but beautiful statues. And you're right, the Nubians weren't slaves but they were a subjegated people. And they even ruled Egypt once.

reply now we get another version. May I remind you that the makers of this movie had no intention of creating a historically accurate epic? If you don't like the portrayal of Tut by a Spaniard, then go to them and speak your mind. Francisco's simply doing what he was hired for. Do you expect him to stand up to the director and say "I won't do this because I'm not dark-skinned enough" ? Add on to that the fact that none of us seems to have the absolute truth as to what color skin Tut actually had.


Thank you, Parvati for bringing some statistics and logic into this discussion. If I'm correct, x-rays of Tut, (when they were attempting to find the cause of his death), did not show him to be of the Nubian bone structure. Also, keep in mind that this is an Indiana Jones style of movie and is making no attempts at being historically correct. Just enjoy it.


Not all Egyptians were black! In ancient Egypt, one queen complained that her son "took a wife who wasn't his colour" and she was Ethiopian. Er... hmm... what colour are Ethiopians again???
And you think that Hollywood hiring a spaniard to play King Tut instead of an African-American is racist? Er... Wouldn't it be more of a problem if they got an American to play King Tut? When it comes to Hollywood, Spanish people get it the worst, so I don't think race has anything to do with it when it comes to this movie.


Yeah, right! There was not a drop of negroid blood in Pharaoh Nebkheperure (King Tutankhamun). The nubians didn't show up as Pharaohs in Egypt for 1000 years after King Tut. I cannot understand why everything and everybody in history now has to be black. Totally and absolutely ludicrous. As far as a "person of color," yes, a Mexican could play King Tut... the skin color is similar.


Oh for the love of Horus! I'm so sick of everybody pissing and moaning about the race of the ancient Egyptains! A) It is sad that people are even debating this! B) Their skin color is not relevant to their contributions in history! C) Why does everything in history have to be "claimed" by one group or another? Get over it, there are more pressing issues to argue about. And finally. Amenhotep the Third, Ramses the Second and every other Pharaoh are probably laughing their rears off at the stupid petty things we're all whining over.


Wow, why is this such an issue? Calm down, dudes!

Here's a photo of what the face of Tutankhamun is believed to have looked like (based on CT scans of the mummy and done by a National Geographic Society team - )side-by-side with a picture of Francisco Bosch from the movie.

I think it's a pretty close match.

At any rate, flipping out over the race of a character with a minor part in a made-for-TV movie is a bit silly.


So Sinéad O'Connor would be a closer match... (SCNR)


they werent black nor white

just look at the guy Akhenaten

I knew I'd create a sensation, gasped the Rocket. Then he went out


Ancient Egypt was black but as centuries passed obviously it just became one big melting pot so to speak. Like America..


Nobody really knows for sure what their skin color was. It's like saying the dinosaurs were green. I'm sure most had dark skin from at least being out in the sun all day. Paintings would show the males as dark and the females light. They did that so people could tell if they were male or female. You'll see it in cave paintings...males are darker than the females. It really doesn't matter to me if they were light or dark. There's still a lot to learn about them. Egypt is just one big museum. Fran looks cute bald :)



Yes, he said he does get some lines (finally!)


Funnily enough the link you provided was to Akenaten, aknowledged to be the first person ever to declare that there was only 1 God. His great wife was the mysterious Nefertiti. He was also the father of Tutankhamun.


I'm not an expert, but I thought Akhenaten had only daughters. The photo in the link had a really odd combination of features. You might call the lips Negroid, but then Frank Langella had a mouth like that (Italian) so what does that say. And what about those almond eyes? Oriental? He looked like a combination of everything if that picture was any indication.

"God, I hate mummies!" -- Rick O'Connell, Matt Fletcher, Danny Freemont, etc.


The Egyptains, and many other ancient people, would have someone carve what they would want to look like. Nobody knows if that's what Akhenaten really looked like since he could of had it sculpted that way. Ancient Greeks and Romans would have a sculpter make their face the same on each side and have them look young and beautiful.


Blacks may have dominant traits, genetically, but the more intermarriage you have, the more recessive genes are floating around, and when they meet up in the same person, they are displayed. It just takes two of them rather than one. Otherwise we probably wouldn't have any blue eyed people at all these days.

"God, I hate mummies!" -- Rick O'Connell, Matt Fletcher, Danny Freemont, etc.


re the dominance of racial types. if you go to arabia you will find arabs with red hair and blue or green eyes. these are more notisable due to most people their have brown eyes and black hair.who are these attributes related to i wonder?




Egyptians all play bridge and look like Omar Sharif. As for Bosch, he's the best thing about this movie, although he shows up a bit late to save it. He comes off more like the boy queen than the boy king, but that's perhaps more a tribute to his wardrobe. In fact, he looks a lot like Sean Hayes!

"The Mountain Has Wings"


Akhehanten had seven daughters and two sons (not from Nefertiti), one of them Tutenkhamun. (seven sisters - poor boy!).
Many believe that Akhenaten suffered from Marfan Syndrome, a genetic disorder causing, among other things, a bone structure similar to Akhenaten's portrait.
