Well, to me it seems natural for Simon to be angry. His World has just been changed in a way that shakes him to the core. He has found out that he is dying, and that the people he thought were his parents are, in fact, not. No Wonder he misbehaves, he is angry, frustrated and hurt. And not many 6 year-olds know how to Express their emotions. What he does and how he reacts is the only way he knows how to react. Totally natural, and totally understandable.
The mum finally gives the last, very hurting, gesture by slapping him. She does that because she is stressed because of the open house, and she is frustrated too, and from what I can see she is even a Little surprised herself, but she never apologizes for it. This Hurts Simon even more, because he is already doubting his mum. In his eyes, she lied to him about being his mother, so he doesnt fully trust her anymore. As I said, his reactions are totally understandable, and therefore, he is not a brat.