I read on here that Laura started taking Simon's pills as a way to slowly kill herself. I thought she was taking either sleeping pills or some kind of medication for anxiety attacks. When she realizes Simon is dead, I just thought she was trying to commit suicide by overdosing. How did you go about believing that she was already trying to slowly kill herself? I think she started to already take pills before she met Aurora.
After Carlos left the house, she restored the dormitory to it's prior state, got dressed, picked the berries, etc. She was deliberately trying to create conditions to contact the children. She took the pills because the medium told her that those close to death can see spirits. At that point, I don't think she intended on killing herself, just to make herself near enough death to make contact and find her son. When she found out Simon died, she took more pills to commit suicide so she could be with him.
The pills were Simon's HIV meds - we saw her holding them earlier in the film, after Simon disappeared and right before Benigna is killed in the accident. She's looking at them because they are Simon's daily doses of the medication he needs for his condition. The news reports mention the additional urgency in trying to find the missing child because he needs medicine.
I assumed they were pills to keep her alert and awake. In the last two days she spends at the orphanage she is working like crazy to refurbish the dormitory to look like how it used to. At one point she is looking very fatigued and sleep deprived and that is when she starts popping the pills.
I'm not sure if they were Simon's pills or not (I didn't think so, but maybe I just didn't notice). But I am positive they were not for keeping her awake, even though she was working hard and looked sleepy when she took them. They were (sleeping pills or something) to bring her closer to death, so that she could see and communicate with the ghosts. She was likely intending to stay alive. Then, when she learned what had happened, she took the rest to finish the job.
At first I thought they were Simon's pills but they may have been anti-anxiety pills that were her prescription -- probably something her husband thought she needed to calm herself. I'm not sure if she intended to stay alive or not; she was not very scientific about the number of pills she initially took and no one was in the house to save her. I think she knew she had a small window to make contact before dying, and once she made contact, then she wanted it over with fast and took more pills.
She was trying to get "close to death" so she could see the ghosts. As the medium earlier tells her that as one gets closer to death, the easier it is to see such things.
Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
Either she is taking pills to help her with anxiety/sleeplessness/depression asa result of Simon's disappearance, or she it taking anti-retroviral drugs because there is a suggestion she too may have been HIV+. hence her adopting Simon and Aurora's remark about those close to death being able to see ghosts as she held Laura's arm that bore the marks of something.