Well made, but some MASSIVE plot holes (SPOILERS)....
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This was a decent film with lots of potential, but there are massive plot holes that go unexplained, and when the ending is revealed and the big mystery as to what is actually going on is explained, it suddenly destroys all of the "horror" (as a side, this was in absolutely no way a scary film and has no right to be classed as a "horror"; the marketing and promotion of this film was incredibly misleading) and just confused me as to what was actually scary about the children at all. The focal point of the horror is all based upon Tomas; but as soon as she gets her Simon back he's just a sweet-but-misunderstood child, which isn't remotely scary!
Anyway, here's my list of plot holes, feel free to add:
1) When it is revealed that Tomas is just another one of the children, then why on earth did he practically attack Laura earlier on in the film?
2) If Simon was in Tomas' room the whole time, and presumably didn't die instantly, who/what did she see in the cave? Was it just a cheap scare and an empty plot line?
3) What exactly happened to the children?! The seance scene alludes to some sort of brutality/neglect, but that's all there is. More effort needed to be put in here, as the entirety of the scares are based around the mystery of the children, but the only moment excusing itself for an explanation is that 2 minute - and not even slightly frightening - (I'm not gloating that I wasn't scared as I scare as easily as the next person; but this scene just was not scary) seance scene...
4) Who the hell exactly was Benigna?! I don't recall any great depth to her back story, something about her son being deformed (and did anyone else notice that she was mysteriously incredibly young considering Laura was there with her at the start and she's only 37 in the film?), she used to work at the orphanage and she definitely doesn't work for social services. That's pretty much it! And the effort that the police put into finding her was pathetic considering Laura and Carlos just bumped into her! Such a pointless and empty character too quickly killed off for a cheap jump and a gruesome "gory" thrill; and what the hell was she doing in the shed?!
5) Some people will roll their eyes at this one, but if Simon had been dead for over 9 months then surely his corpse would be a little messier and a hell of a lot smellier, which would have solved the mystery a lot sooner. I know its vulgar but its a very valid point, the stench would fill the house. Just saying...
6) How the hell did Simon get into Tomas' room in the first place? And was it Simon who attacked her in the corridor, or was it the ghost of Tomas?
Anyway, I'm sure there are more that I've missed, but overall it was a half-decent film that needed a hell of a lot more effort; especially with the depth of the supporting characters (Carlos and Benigna particularly; hugely important characters with very little focus/effort/attention put into them) and a far better back story strong enough to support the film was desperately needed. You don't even see any strong material about when Laura was at the orphanage (I reiterate, what the HELL happened to the children in that place?!).
Thoroughly misleading and the ending renders the entire previous catalog of scares pointless, irrelevant and devoid of purpose. Engaging and pleasurable to watch though for all its flaws...