There's so many movies that make the woman authoritative and in control and the men just follow them like they are children. In most chick flicks if the guy cheats the woman kicks the guy out of the house, even though it's HIS house and he pays the bills (i.e.'Obsession' with Beyonce), and she either takes him for all he's got or she already has two guys trying to get with her who do everything for her while the cheater is so miserable without her. And in movies where the woman cheats on the guy, they show him to be pathetic and he eventually takes her back and forgives her because (like this movie says) "he should be happy that she loves him". So basically the message of most chick flicks is, if the woman cheats just forgive her because you're lucky to have her. But if you cheat on her it's OK if she takes everything from you (there's even movies where the guy who cheated just lets his ex-wive take everything because he feels so bad about cheating. Even more, there's many movies where the woman who cheated is the one who the audience roots for because the husband is either so pathetic and boring that we understand and accept what she did).
At the beginning of this movie, The Wife thinks that the husband (Ryan Reynolds character) had a baby with another woman so she kicks him out of the house (and he actually leaves, no man would leave especially since he pays the bills, etc, it's HIS house too). Then when she lets him see the daughter, her friend says "You're actually gonna let him see her?" (Reynold's character isn't a child and if he wants to see his daughter he doesn't need to ask for his wife's permission).
Also, when Ryan's character finds out that his daughter isn't really his, that his wife cheated on him, they treat his character as if he can't live without his wife, and he takes her back because his friend says: "You're lucky to have her, she loves you", etc etc.
I'm all for woman and men being treated as equals but with most movies (chick flicks mostly) from the 90s to present the men are treated as ridiculous, pathetic who have to do everything for women and not expect anything back. Whereas women can demand things and are almost always the ones who are right and the audience are expected to cheer for.
The roles of women have changed for the better where they aren't second to the man but nowadays it's like it's been reversed. We need to change it where it's equal (something the feminists always say but of course they don't have a problem when the men are treated as such...hypocrites)
+1 to that. Other than the blatant "men are pigs, women are goddesses" in these types of films, I thought this one at least had some comedic moments.
It's culture like this that entitles women to act like complete whores and treat their men like S***, because they're getting in touch with their "femininity". Whereas if a man were to sleep around and treat their wife/girlfriend/whatever like a mentally handicapped kid, the guy would get crucified for it.
"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret."
Please see my response to the initial post. Susan did not cheat on Frank.
And I think that your analysis of society is overly simplistic. While I agree that society is sexist against men, (among many other things, it think it is disgusting that they are so frequently denied custody rights)society is sexist against BOTH men and women. Men are seen as "pigs" and women are seen as "whores." Men are supposed to have a lot of sexual partners and women are supposed to be virginal. Simultaneously, men who have a lot of sexual partners are seen as pigs and misogynists, while women who are virginal are called prude or c@ck teases.
But, undoubtedly, you already knew this and you were just responding--in general---to the initial post.
You missed something CRUCIAL: She did not cheat on him.
When Frank comes to see Susan at their house (just before he finds the flowers) she tells him that she slept with Buddy before they were together. She says "It happened before the New Year; after that, you were the only one." Also, Jesse was born at the start of August, which means that Susan and Buddy slept together two months before Frank and Susan got together. Of course, she could be lying; but there is no reason to assume that she is, and I don't think that the writers/producers intended for the audience to make that assumption.
However, it was a line that was passed over quickly. So the confusion is understandable. They definitely should have made it more clear that she did not cheat on Frank.
Also, there was no need to disparage all feminists in your post. The OED defines "feminism" as "the advocacy of the rights of women," the ONLY defining belief of feminism is that men and women should be equal. If you believe that then you are, by definition, a feminist. In all probability you are yourself a feminist, although you may not realize or admit it openly. Please don't smear the term by calling all feminists hypocrites. I consider myself a feminist, and I have no pity for women who cheat on men; I think that the sexes should be treated equally. People who think otherwise are not feminists, they are sexists and hypocrites. I am a feminist and I am neither of those things.
Society is sexist against men. I do not dispute that. But it is also sexist against women. Women are called "whores" and "sluts" for sleeping with men. While men are praised for having multiple "conquests." Do a google image search for the term "slut." You get 577668 pictures of women, none of men. Then do a google image search for "male slut." You still get NO results, because men are not truly considered sluts in our society. It is a double standard.
I am not saying that your claims are unjustified. As I said, society is sexist against men, but not ONLY men. And degrading feminists does not alleviate that problem, it only adds to it by fueling more sexism.
What this person says above me is exactly right. I too consider myself a feminist and the ONLY thing I mean by that is that I believe men and women should be given equal rights and equal choices in the world. I will fight for a man's right to have babies, to quote Monty Python.
Firstly, she did sleep with her husband's friend before they were together ok but she never told him. This part is just a side note in my orginal post but everything else still stands (ie situations in most movies like this).
Secondly, I didn't put down all feminists. Feminism, like any other group, has changed since its initial start. Feminisim was about equality between men and women but once that was achieved (ie no one disagrees that women should be equal to men, men and women are equal according to the law which is what feminism was about) the movement went in different ways. Just like , say, the Republican Party. Before Reagan Republicans were liberals, like when Abrahm Lincolm was President, but the party changed drastically to the present day, so if I were alive when Lincoln was President I would've said I was a Republican, but these days I'm a Democrat since I agree with their liberal views.
I would've said I was a feminsit intially because who the hell is anyone to tell whoever that they aren't equal to everyone else. These days I wouldn't consider myself a feminist (and I'm sure there are hundreds of men and women who feel the same way) because the main feminists are the ones who are separating, or trying to, the equality line. Examples:
VAWA (Violence Aganist Women Act) was enacted by pressure from feminsits, and Congress gives them billions of dollars per year to help with this act. Anyway, the reason this is sexist, unconstitutional is because it leaves out half of the population "men". For the men who got abused (physically, psychologically, etc) by women don't get help because there isn't a program that funds places like that for men. And with this Act, groups of women get to have the power to lay rules in regards to domestic violence, etc and almost all the time it's the men's fault (even when it isn't). The way this Act was passed was by so-called proof these feminists provided Congress, and the proof was this: they conducted their own surveys to prove to Congress that there is an epidemic of violence against women by men. The surveys that were given to participants were biased and there was no other conclusions that could come out but the conclusion they wanted.
If you don't believe this read the reports that are now coming out from people who worked on these surveys and one of them that is getting alot of attention is from Murray Straus, and the reason is because he is a psychologist who was hired to do the surveys and in doing them he wrote all types of questions for the participants so that it will be an unbiased study yet the people who paid his checks deleted alot of questions out that they felt didn't really matter. "On August 15, 2002, Straus was a guest on the radio show "The Exchange" hosted by Laura Knoy on NH Public Radio. During that show, Straus said that the researchers who did the National Violence Against Women Survey for the Dept. of Justice tried to bias it by intentionally omitting questions that could show women in a negative light and neglecting to include men in the study. The researchers did not originally intend to include men in the study at all."
(And un unbiased study was done and found that men were abused in relationships just like women were (both psychologically and physically. Yet the Act didn't change). Research it on your own and find out if you don't believe it. The orginal study found that women were perfect, that they didn't do anything to the man before he hit them. The orginal study also stated that men abuse women for no toher reason than because they are women. There was nothing stated about women who abuse men or women who hit men and nothing was said about men defending themselves against women throwing stuff at them, hitting them, etc.
Anyway, this is just one example of the biasedness that occurs (if you don't believe that the feminist leaders don't do unbiased studies that don't show unbiased results, then look up Super Bowl Sunday Violence Study, where it was reported all over the news that it's a fact, studies found men abuse women on Super Bowl Snnday more than any other day. After it was shown on the media as a fact without anyone looking into it, an unbiased source found that this study was done in a biased way and found that the study was totally false. ANd everyone now knows that this was a ridiculous study done by women who hated that their husbands didn't pay attention to them on that day (what the unbiased source found apparently)
Besides this, look at the media and at society in general. Men are told by society that they have to do this and that yet if you tell women what they have to do it's called sexism. (A small example: on valentine's day look at any show or in the media, people tell men they better step up and do something for their woman, it even goes so far as to tell women they should not only expect something from men but that if they don't get anything, to dump them, that it's ok for woment o be selfish on this day. What was the last time you heard anyone demand women to buy men stuuf, to take a whole day to do everything for dont't because then it would be sexist).
Anyway, this post is long enough so I will end it by saying that in society everything against men is ok, it's not even discussed but once something happens to women then its a problem (if you want more or better examples they are everywhere).
And to the women are 'sluts' and men are 'studs' argument that has changed too. Look in popular culture as a whole these days. Women go from men to men and the term 'slut' is used not to offend anymore, its more of a 'she's cool' kind of thing (lok at Paris Hilton, Kardashian, etc). For women to sleep with more men, it's in, its cool. For men who cheat and get caught it's plastered all over the news and he is villified (ie look at Tiger Woods, Kobe). When was the last time you heard on the news about the guy a famous woman cheated with then he went and wrote a book about it and got famous? (But the women who slept with famous men become rich and famous, like Monica Lewinsky and now John Edwards' mistress is all over the news and she's famous for sleeping with him and she even has a book coming out). So the 'women have to be virgins' and 'men get to sleep with alot of women and it's ok' argument has completely changed and you can't use that argument this days because it's totally changed.
And one last example: look at the male and female teachers who've slept with their underage students, where are they now? The male teachers are likly serving over 20yrs. to life in prison, the female teachers are out serving probations....DOUBLE STANDARD?! I think yes
Yes, there are some feminists who are crazy. There are also Christians who are crazy, Muslims who are crazy, teachers who are crazy, dentists who are crazy, gays who are crazy, whites who are crazy, blacks who are crazy...every group has crazy fundamentalists in it. That does not mean that I have the right to disparage the entire group.
Also, I clearly stated that society is, in some ways, biased against men. I don't need to look anything up, because I already know that.
I could be mistaken, but it seems that your argument is that women don't experience sexism...?? If that is your argument, it is wholly inaccurate. And the term "slut" is still very much a double standard in our society. Women are sexualized everywhere, but that does not mean that they can have sex without being called a derogatory slut, whore, sorostitute (note that the latter term has NO male equivalent).
I am not saying that women experience more sexism than men, I am not saying that men have it harder than women. Such arguments are pointless because the sexism that men and women experience varies from person to person. Even if one group did have it "worse" than another the argument would still be entirely unproductive and pointless.
Both men and women experience sexism. End of discussion.
A little late commenting on this, but I was just browsing about and saw your comment.
Are you trolling? If so, you should know that you failed horribly. Really. It was a terrible, terrible train wreck. Recovery may be impossible. Only time will tell. If you are not trolling, then I fear you may be illiterate. But don't worry, there are a lot of schools out there for adult learners, and you can learn anything if you put your mind to it!
Anyhoo, the first blunder was that this post was written by a DUDE (not a woman) claiming that the movie is sexist against MEN (not women). The second blunder was that the OP blatantly attacked feminism in his post...and you called him a feminazi. 0.o
As an aside, in case you were being serious, will no females get on their knees if you leave your shirt on? Is it because your shirt is terribly stained or out of fashion? If so, I recommend using some Tideā¢. It works really well. And you should try shopping at Banana Republic. They have pretty snappy clothing.
Also, can smart women not have oral sex? Is that really a thing? I mean, do their heads get so filled with glorious knowledge that they forget basic tasks, like how to perform fellatio? That is unfortunate indeed.