His daughter cheated repeatedly on her fiance...
His daughter slept with Lee for most of Lent?
That's almost 40 days.
A LOT longer than 2 weeks.
So she cheated on him definitely before or after they broke up and got back together, or more likely, cheated on him before AND after they broke up and got back together.
How the *beep* is this even remotely okay?
She cheated on her fiancé.Repeatedly. She tells him she "only slept with a guy he knows for a week during their breakup".
So she has ALREADY lied to her fiance On the MORNING of the wedding.
Worse, she had to make up a lie to cover the even bigger lie of cheating for over a month on the guy who has done absolutely nothing to her.
He should've left her at the alter. Because she's going to just keep cheating and treat him like the father, probably producing a kid that's not even his.