MovieChat Forums > Cashback (2006) Discussion > Would anyone else find it slightly creep...

Would anyone else find it slightly creepy if...

...they turned up to the art show of a guy they dated briefly a few months previously and he'd done hundreds of pictures of you? Some of them being you in your underwear (which, incidentally he'd never seen in real life)! I thought the pictures were beautiful, and if Ben had been her ex-boyfriend I could understand her being moved/flattered. But personally, as a woman, if a guy I had been on *one* date with had created some sort of weird shrine to me, I would be a bit freaked out. And to have all those people looking at intimate portraits of me - it's a bit of an invasion of Sharon's privacy in my opinion.



I think it would depend on the connection and why the relationship ended. If there was no friendship prior to the date then yes it would scare the crap out of me, but if I had known the guy and really liked him then I might be flattered. There's a fine line sometimes between psycho and romantic... Look at lloyd dobler.


Yes!!! It's nice that somebody else thought this. I spent the whole film thinking "What a psycho". If it's not bad enough that he has fantasies about getting women's breasts and genitals out against their will, he goes for the big finish by putting on a freaky exhibition of stalker drawings. Run away Sharon! Run away!


Well by that rate, they're both pychos. I mean she did totally flip out on Ben for kissing getting kissed by his ex-girlfriend on their first date!!!

You'd feel cocky too if you were full of myself.


All men have fantasies about getting women's breasts and genitals out and / or having sex with them without the women themselves being aware of it. Having fantasies about naked women is at least part of what makes men men. Seriously, if you can't stand the idea of a man imagining a woman naked without her permission, you shouldn't be dating men in the first place.


WHAT!? MEN IMAGINE WOMEN NAKED? WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION? You shock me. Seriously, totally shocked.

You're right, I shouldn't be dating men. ANIMALS! I, for one, have never imagined a man naked. Or imagined having sex with one without him knowing. In fact, I've never thought anything about anyone without their permission ever.

Getting me to a nunnery, Ophelia style, forever. Which is a shame, as you understood my initial post so well, we're clearly made for each other...


I believe that the Sharon character had previously said how she would fine it romantic to be painted by an artist who could see deep inside her. She made a similar comment to Ben at the art show.

I also thought she might find it creepy until I remembered her comment. Another woman might have called the police!


Additionally, take a closer look at most of these paintings. While maybe not perfected in a sense that they are only proxy to what is actually hanging on the wall of the imaginary world of this movie, as much as the women shown are only proxies that are pleasant to look at for the average viewer and may not accurately represent what kind of women ben would find beauty in, they are still done in a very soft way. The kind of pictures you might actually see hanging in the shop window at a photographer.

Yes, the entire thing is a bit creepy, but picture the paintings to be of a quality that would actually draw attention from an art gallery. Someone with the mindset that artists can capture someone's true beauty, who finds that romantic and with the same background connection to the artist doing that, would probably have the resulting feelings.


I think in the way his art war portrayed, she quickly came to the conclusion that he was madly in love with her. Maybe that's just me.


I thought it was romantic, but then you reminded me that women in the real world, like yourself, are not flattered by such sincerity and honesty that someone could adore you so much that they draw you and paint you and bring out your inner beauty on canvas, capturing a moment, finding something in you that even you couldn't see, and they adore you so much they're not ashamed to show the world. You're too busy being creeped out because society says it's "creepy".

Scenes like this remind me how to love again. Women like you remind me not to.

"People should know when they're conquered" - Quintus




"I thought it was romantic, but then you reminded me that women in the real world, like yourself, are not flattered by such sincerity and honesty that someone could adore you so much that they draw you and paint you and bring out your inner beauty on canvas, capturing a moment, finding something in you that even you couldn't see, and they adore you so much they're not ashamed to show the world. You're too busy being creeped out because society says it's "creepy".

Scenes like this remind me how to love again. Women like you remind me not to."

I've had your post tattooed on my chest, and I chant it as a mantra when I wake up in the morning and when I go to sleep, crying with joy as I do so.

I'm sure you'll want to contact me soon, having been so flattered by the sincerity and honesty of my totally un-creepy adoration!


wow, greatly put into words :-). I think this quote wins the internet and have borrowed it for my account: ... of course with your nickname above it.

I meant to put this under magnetictheory's post but somehow it didn't worked. Anyway great quote nontheless


The only problem is, you won't find many women to love you in prison.

But I guess physical prison isn't as bad as the prison of shame and social conditioning I am trapped in every day. Oh woe! Poor me! If only I could be freed from this prison by a stalker, I mean, true romantic...


agree with OP. id find it creepy and i know for sure if i did it and a girl saw my art id prob be arrested!
