IMHO, a CULT film
Compare to : Rocky Horror Picture Show, Harold & Maude.
Photography in this film is some of the most innovative I've ever seen, reminds me of citizen kane. The transitions between scenes (from the telephone to bedroom, and his flashbacks) are all fantastic, the freeze-frame scenes, about as artistic as could be humanly possible to imagine.
For anyone who's ever broken up with a girl, his experience was very real and very sensible and other-worldly. his insomnia, his withdrawal, his depressed state of being, were all completely realistic.
The characters he works with at the market are cartoons of real people but they are very funny, I know several people who are almost as cartoonish as these caricatures of people are.
The only part I didn't enjoy was the soccer match, it was just really really stupid and I'm not sure it did very much to extend the plot.
Everything else in this film WORKED EXTREMELY WELL. The pacing of the movie is particularly good, before the character discovers his powerful gift, there is a lot of slow-motion where he is listening characters speaking but making no sound, to evoke the main character's future ability to stop time and/or tune out the world when time has stopped.
People who complain about the nudity - well, frankly, if you had insight into the male psyche you would understand, that's about all i can say. Men are undressing women in their minds all the time. The fact that the main character is hurting from a breakup and decides to do it in reality is just a realistic example of what men might do if they had this gift. He never did it to the women he really cared about, he was respectful of them. The only truly gratuitous nudity was the stripper - not really important to the plot, imho, but that part had a funny finale.
The director and his cinematography are, frankly, brilliant.
The movie pacing is also brilliant.
The narrative is also very good.
This is a cult film, imho.