This film was recommended to me to watch. Personally I thought there was too much voice over but that is a small complaint considering the payback.What a little gem of a film. WOMEN.....get over yourselves. Any woman offended by the nudity here says more about yourself and your own self loathing then it does about this film. I'm quite certain that all the female complaints are cumming from woman who view themselves as ugly and fat and haters of MEN. All the nudity in this film was necessary in the telling of this story about a young man who as a child prematurely saw a naked woman and fell in love with the female and her sexual organ. With that said how one can make a film dealing with this subject and not include female nudity. Here is the truth....Men do look at women in a sexual manner.Get over it.
I'm one of the big complainers about this film on this board. I find it offensive because it's sexist, not because there's nudity in it. And I am not a woman who views myself as ugly or fat. These points are irrelevant anyway. The problems I have stem from the fact that I'm a feminist and I'm educated in subjects around feminism, gender and media.
Feminism is the idea that men and women should be equal. It's the struggle against rape, sex trafficking, slavery, mutilation, oppression and murder of women worldwide. It's really not that funny.
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Every single thing you listed applies to men as well as women. So my ignorant gullible friend, should it not be called humanism. Feminism was started in the states in the 60's by a bunch of lesbians who had no need for men in their lives. Thus stupid ignorant straight women followed them blindly.
Feminism is badly named I grant you but it's for the good of both men and women. And no, it wasn't started in the '60s by lesbians. It's nothing to do with not needing men or anything like that.
I was there. It was indeed started by a bunch of very powerful dykes in publishing and politics. It was at the same time as burning bras and not shaving pits and legs. Wake up, that's when things got a rolling. Also many of these women were either married or kept by older very wealthy men as a trinket for public viewing.
The feminist movement you are talking about is one type of feminism and cannot be used as a marker for feminism as a collective. Feminism is constantly changing to combat new problems and is
Please don't use derogatory language like "dykes" when referring to lesbian women. It's as bad as calling a group of black people *something IMDB won't let me post* I've checked your last posts and I saw that you started a thread about how gay people don't make good directors. Homophobia is just not acceptable.
There use to be great gay directors but not today. And there certainly are no great female directors. That's a given.As for the word dykes. I use the word with all my gay female friends. They certainly don't mind. Stop being so f---ing PC. You really don't want to know what I call my gay male friends. The dykes have it easy.
There is a low percentage of female directors because it's a patriarchal industry — hence why we need feminism. There are many great female directors despite this.
You can try and justify using derogatory terms for gay people but that doesn't make it right.
AND it doesn't make it wrong. There are no words in the English Language that on their own I find offensive. Really surprised to find your from the UK. Now I can sort of understand your need for being a stubborn feminist. With a Country full of misogynistic bastards.... I can't blame you. I love England, lived there on and off over the years. Picked up only one bad habit. Calling everyone,male or female here in the states a C--t. It's become one of my favorite words. It really separates the girls from the women and the boys from the men. If it was good enough for Shakespeare and Chaucer, who am I or you for that matter to complain.
Adding xenophobic generalisation to your list are you? Great.
I couldn't care less what words you do and don't find offensive. It's about context and when making a derogatory comment about feminism and lesbian women, using the word "dykes" is not acceptable behaviour. This is a very clear cut.
Your calling me stubborn is hypocritical. I'm always willing to change my opinion if presented with a better argument. You're the one trying to justify your using of the word "dykes" in a derogatory context.
Feminism is like the Republican party, it's mostly represented by idiots, so regardless of it's good intentions the majority of the world laughs at you. If you ask any teen about feminism they'll laugh at you and think you're a retard.
Feminism is the idea that men and women should be equal. It's the struggle against rape, sex trafficking, slavery, mutilation, oppression and murder of women worldwide. It's really not that funny.
uhhhh no.... the police force/military are the ones who stop rape, mutilations, etc of women. Feminists merely bitch and cry, that does NOTHING, it's always other organizations that actually do the work. Do you think Feminism helped scientist lower the mortality rate of pregnancy? No. Do you think feminism has come up with treatments for breast cancer? No. Feminism has done nothing, yet claims everything. If you simply look at history many ancient civilizations treated women as equals when there was no feminism.
There is a low percentage of female directors because it's a patriarchal industry — hence why we need feminism.
That makes zero sense to anyone with a brain. What you said is the equivalent of black racists shouting , "DA WHITE MAN HOLDING ME DOWN" or rednecks saying, "we fighting tha war because of 9.11".
You're simply the product of having a concept drilled into your brain. If you lived in the south you'd be a kkk member, etc. People like you buy into propaganda easily
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Thanks for that pseudo-psychological profile of myself. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to disagree with you as I do believe that sexism, heterosexism, homophobia and racism are all still very present in our society and need to be challenged. It's really not just propaganda — it's not even popularised by the media. The media has its own agenda: to make money.
My views are the result of years of advanced academic study into this area. Do you really think that your naive and bigoted ramblings are actually going change my opinion?
My views are the result of years of advanced academic study into this area.
Really? By academic study do you mean being spoon fed biased statements and slurred statistics? You're motives are clear. You simply run off of personal insecurities and have become bitter because of it. Poor little girl, it must be so difficult living in a world that constantly offends you.
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Really? By academic study do you mean being spoon fed biased statements and slurred statistics?
No, I mean theses at post-graduate level. Reading up on many differing points of view and drawing my own educated conclusions; the antithesis of being spoon fed by the media really.
You're motives are clear. You simply run off of personal insecurities and have become bitter because of it. Poor little girl, it must be so difficult living in a world that constantly offends you.
My motives can't be that clear because for a start, I'm a man...
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I love the academics that hang so much of their "debate" on what they studied or how long they studied, without even giving an argument. It's as if those of us who just read a lot or live in the world are completely unable to understand what you have to say.
"I went to school, I don't have to prove anything!"
You probably just took a few woman studies classes on your way to to BA or MA in computer science or something.
Also pretty sure the poster above you didn't say anything about the media. Rather your professors took their ideas and spoon them to you and you lapped them up. It happens a lot in college. Something people need to realize is just because an opinion is educated doesn't make it any less of an opinion.
For being so "academic" you sure don't act like it. I've always thought the reason we are educated in such things as social science in general is to share ideas and come to understandings. Like I said before it seems like you only want to "win" arguments over the internet. Sad times if you're really as educated as you claim. The people that disagree with you about something like feminism are the ones you should be trying to understand the most.
TomServo3500 bringing shame to his name since 2006.
I'm not trying to offend anybody here. The 'academic' argument has spiraled from a defensive comment I made in response to an incorrect assumption someone made about me. I certainly don't think that being educated to a certain level gives one any sort of immunity from criticism. I do think that if someone has studied a specific subject to a high academic level, they are probably better equipped to comment on it than someone who has gained all knowledge on the subject through popular culture.
You seem to get defensive too easily, maybe instead of just whipping out the old "WELL I STUDIED IN IT COLLEGE" you actually try to convince the person with your words rather than your "reputation" if you could call it that.
I rarely feel the need to bring up my education when talking to people about things on this site. I just glanced through your comment history and it seems like your bring up yours very often.
Not really saying one is right or wrong, just saying don't get so defensive. Because honestly your level of education means little when you can't really back it up other than to say "this discussion/argument/debate" is beneath me.
TomServo3500 bringing shame to his name since 2006.
I've only mentioned it in response to other people raising the issue. I agree that it is not something to fall back on as I have stated previously. I have never said "this discussion/argument/debate" is beneath me. nor would I.
It's often difficult to sum up theories that have a plethora of literature written about them in a chat forum so sometimes I refer to written works I have studied in order to reference a point I'm making. I am certainly not using qualifications as a means to argue a point. Some of the most sexist people I have ever met have been professors in world-leading universities. — well maybe not the most sexist, but the most dangerously sexist as they wield a frightening amount of influence over the next generation of academics.
"Do you think Feminism helped scientist lower the mortality rate of pregnancy? No"
actually, yes. women's medicine like obstetrics and gynecology was always behind because doctors did not treat them equally. it wasn't until women's suffrage that they were taken seriously as people, and that had a huge impact on medicine.
you provided two societies that treated women as equals. you didn't talk about footbinding practices in china, you didn't talk about the rates of slave rape in the states, and you didn't talk about the reality of western medicine in the past centuries. how do you heal someone when you won't even look at her bits?
"We know some of the superstitions: women were whipped to induce labour." "Obstetric forceps, a major innovation in the treatment of obstructed labour were introduced by the Chamberlen family about 1650, and were kept as a family secret for many years." how many women do you think died because they decided forceps should be a family secret? "In his famous essay on Puerperal Fever published in 1842 Holmes emphasized that a physician attending a midwifery case should not take an active part in an autopsy on a patient dead of puerperal fever, erysipelas, or even peritonitis. He noted that if one case of puerperal fever arises in a physician's practice there is an increased risk of a second, two cases suggest that the physician should do no obstetrics for at least a month, and three prima facie evidence that he is the source of the contagion. The time has come when the existence of a private pestilence in the sphere of a single physician should be looked upon not as a misfortune, but as a crime." "Semmelweiss with the backing of the great morbid anatomist Rokitansky began to do autopsies on women with puerperal fever and noted that a high death rate from this disease was found only in First Clinic wards attended by students, and not in Second Clinic wards attended by midwives. Women begged to go to the latter."
you're full of *beep* you stupid *beep*. Women suck at making films. Even the ones that make it in Hollywood are *beep* garbage. The slut who took over Entourage in the last 2 seasons *beep* destroyed it, with feminist *beep* like what you're preaching.
"[Feminism] is the struggle against rape, sex trafficking, slavery, mutilation, oppression and murder of women worldwide"
ok so this film does not depict rape, sex trafficking, slavery, mutilation, oppression, or murder of women. It only shows the imagination of a man who is obsessed with the nude female form... and not in a sexual way, but in an artistic way. You may not agree with the art, but that alone does not make it sexist nor offensive. And keep in mind, this movie does not suggest that he can really stop time. I didn't find anything offensive about the scene where he imagines removing the clothing and drawing them and putting the clothing back on. Isn't it the same as having a live model in art class and asking her to remove her clothing and stand still?
So aside from your personal taste, it's hard to understand why you are so adamantly offended by this film. You cite your feminist beliefs, but nowhere did I see any women's rights being violated... unless you are the thought-police and have a big problem with guys imagining painting or drawing girls naked...
The point I was making was that feminism transcends the subtleties of contemporary western civilisation. It was in response to a claim that "feminism is a joke".
Unfortunately, the subtleties still exist in our culture and need to be dealt with as they create a basis for more serious cases. My problems mainly stem from this film in context to our society. It makes no sense to analyse something outside of the context for which it's intended. I've clearly stated my problems on here many times already. I don't want to have to write them again.
What in particular about being a feminist, and having men and women being equal have anything to do with this movie? He is in love one way or another throughout the movie and reveres women in general and the female form. Seeing women as beautiful is not wrong, they were not opbjectified (stripping scene notwithstanding)
*** I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "I drank what?" ***
So I'm just going to bypass the whole feminism debate and get right to the point..
I adore this movie, the story, the plot, the characters, the way its filmed; it's artistically shot and visually compelling, not to mention as a whole a wonderfully beautiful piece, definitely one of my favorite films. And I'm female.
Any nudity I believe adds to the story rather than detracts from it. This is Ben's story, from his perspective. Obviously he sees women in a certain way, which is nothing to be appalled at, because honestly, I'd like to know what man (or even woman for that matter) that isn't somewhat sexually driven in the way they perceive the opposite sex.
Unlike most mainstream movies that simply put in shots of women nude or being provacative purely to draw interest in absence of a sound script and compelling story (the first such instance that comes to my mind is Megan Fox draped over a motorcycle in Transformers 2), Cashback includes nudity of women to demonstrate an aspect of Ben's character, his fascination with the female form (which in turn is essential to his art).
I suppose women who are offended by this film and the nudity don't understand the necessity of it to the overall story. I would think other women who watch this would be appreciative of how the filmmakers have found a new way to portray nudity and the female form that is more artistic and creative as opposed to the usual Hollywood standards.
I absolutely agree with what you said. I adored this film and was completely captivated by that scene in the supermarket. The only thing that confused me a little was that a young artist as he was, lover of a woman's body, could only see beauty in their breasts? I just thought that it made the scene much more reductive. I'm sure he was able to see beauty in a woman's neck, in her hair and on (we actually saw it in another scenes). Very good film though.
It seems to me these "feminists" simply don't have a clue how men operate. They're so lost in the fantasy world of '60s Maxism they see every deviation from their own petty norms as an attack on whatever supposedly disenfranchised group they associate themselves with, whether ethnic, social or gender related.
i'm a feminist too. how exactly was it sexist? women are beautiful. in my art classes, i loved to draw everyone, because their bodies were interesting and magnificent in different ways, but a beautiful model was really something to celebrate. there is nothing wrong with having your own aesthetic sense, and it would be sad to sacrifice art and unique vision on the cross of political correctness. i will not shame someone over that. it is not what i signed up for as a feminist.
I have just watched this film with my wife she found it funny, did not find the nudity offensive, and thought most people would like he ability to stop time and do things they would not be able to do like pull bosses trousers down while getting told off etc. The only complaint was that he did not strip a man and draw him. But then we are seeing things from Ben's perspective and being a straight male you would only see naked/semi naked women
Why is it most of today's feminists need to read books on feminism to be one. Shouldn't it come from a more organic place other than Borders. Why is it that women do not insist to give birth squatting. Where are all the feminists when woman giving birth, need then to actually change Western procedures dealing with birthing.It does not take a genus to realize laying on ones back and PUSHING is against every law of gravity. Do they actually need to read that squatting is the best position for birthing. I'll have to repeat myself, Feminism is a joke.
You've got a very skewed vision of feminism. I am a feminist, who believes in sex positivism, and fights for disability rights from a feminist perspective. Feminists argue for all sorts of things, including better obstetric rights. Just because you're not bothering to look, doesn't mean it isn't there.