I think what sets this film apart is that the scenes where they do show boobs or any nudity whatsoever isn't simply for a T and A aspect. It's not like Sean Ellis did it because he wanted to show boobs or pump up the sex appeal so people would see it. I genuinely believe that it' more of an appreciation of the female body: the curves, softness. If you take it to the extremes, it's almost like an ode to the female form. I didn't feel offended by it or threatened, nor did I think Ben was being a total perv because there's something that's calm and non-threatening about Ben (and that's speaking from a woman's perspective), although I do agree, it may seem unlikely that "7 supermodel chicks" would just randomly be there. But I think there are a lot of beautiful women in the UK and the possibility at least does exist, and hell why not, right?
As for the contradiction of beauty, whereas I have yet to see th 2006 film, I saw the short, and I think if anything it's not so much a contradiction but something very endearing or at least a clever contrast. At least you know Ben isn't totally in it for looks or sex. Personally I can't think of a better way at least from Sean Ellis' perspective how to show that Ben has true interest in Sharon. I suppose you could add the fact that they are friends and those girls in the supermarket could be random, he may not even know them and I suppose that allows him to distance himself and it makes it easier because he doesn't know them. I think what could be a bigger issue is that based on the women he chose to be nude could give off a very prejudiced view of beauty, instead of the fact that there are a lot of boobs. Nudity I don't mind as long as it has purpose, and I think that it does in Cashback: the female form is beautiful (at least according to Ben)
And as far as boobage in a movie goes, I don't know if Beerfest had as many scenes that showed breasts or female nudity, but I remember after having seen it thinking, "Dude... there were a lot of tits in that movie...". I could be wrong, hahaha, and I probably am. Not to say it was a terrible movie, but amusing and it did make me laugh at the very least.