MovieChat Forums > Cashback (2006) Discussion > Self-indulgent piece of crap.

Self-indulgent piece of crap.

I'm sure plenty of men like this movie, but it is seriously offensive to women. It depicts women as only being valued for physical beauty. Also, like all those great-looking well-dressed women would be shopping in the store in the middle of the night? Ridiculous. The writer just wanted an excuse to see a bunch of beautiful naked women so he put them in a boring, plotless movie.


I cannot judge the movie itself because I haven't seen it but I agree with you. Take the movie - all the undressed models = 95% of the men claiming how artistic it is have no interest in it. Of course the "artistic" part is a ruse to get us women interested in it. Ha Ha.


I cannot judge the movie itself because I haven't seen it but I agree with you.

Say what??? You didn't really just say that, did you?

At any rate, it's one of the most romantic love stories I've ever seen and overall it's women who are giving it higher ratings than men. So it's a moot point.

The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe.


It's one of the most romantic love storeis you've ever seen?! You need to see more films. Minus the insulting aspect, it was mediocre at best.


Well, I have been to 30 film festivals since the start of 2006, at which I've seen over 300 films.

But I guess I need to see more.

The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe.


If a dude actually finds a movie romantic that is awesome.

I know what I said is a generalization, but it seems that a lot men don't care much about art unless it includes female nudity. Then again 95% may be an unfair(probably inaccurate) estimation.

Women gave it higher ratings than men?? I have to watch and see what this buzz is about.


I dunno, seemed like an alright movie to me. I chuckled a few times. Not a big fan of the typical chick-flick ending where guy unintentionally makes girl mad and then wins girl back by doing something relatively implausible (getting your work set up in a fancy art gallery for all to see). I had no issue with the use of nudity.

As for art, I prefer paintings of nature.


I agree. I'm a guy and I actually think it may have been a better picture with less naked women. I don't find any depection of the human body wrong in itself. The author was not saying that unattractive people are worth less, just that we should all be glad to have any chance to enjoy beauty for beauty's sake. Too often we are too busy living our lives to appriciate the world we live in.




I'm gonna throw another vote with those saying that the OP is completely overreacting and completely missed the point of the scene if she thinks it was just an excuse to show off women. It was a scene about a young male romanticizing the female body, saying how he's always seen it as the ultimate source of beauty, and you're going to say that nudity at this time was inappropriately placed?


I couldn't have said it better myself....and why do people choose to comment on a movie they haven't even seen? makes no sense

"yeah...they said that would happen in health class"


That is so sad that you relate most men to this theory of yours.
I wonder what makes you think this. Hollywood? Magazines? Men in bars? Your Dad? Who knows, but it's quite a broad brush you paint.
You make it seem as if every man that sees this film must then go and pleasure themselves. Not that I find that to be a terrible thing, but to think that no man would find the romance and emotion in this film is quite simply: ignorant as hell.
95% is high. Yes.
But are you asking all men? All men over 25? Over 30? Over 50?
It's sad that humans still think the human race is dirty, and has to live under some made up moral code, but then again, why expect anything less from a western culture that uses original sin to coral people into being good (and by good, I mean, safe, void of knowledge, guilty and self conscious).

"In our wings that bark, flashing teeth of brass, standing tall in the dark" - David Bowie


95% of statistics are pulled out the ass!



Im a female artist and i can safely say that i loved the fact that they had naked women in this film, i didnt find it one bit offensive to my sex, it is simply a celebration of the beauty that we ALL posses. Just like how in the movie it mentions a story about a girl who always wanted to go out with an artisit, because he would find all of her bodies imperfections beautiful.
This movie is great! and it would be just as good with or without the nudity... just try to imagine the women as works of art, because even though that may sound degrading, it really isn't, its just ONE of the many traits that we are able to carry as females.

2 thumbs up for Cashback!!!


Hmm you make an interesting point, shame though that the director chose to display the bodies of women with no obvious imperfections.
This movie was pseudo art and to be honest something I may have tried to justify as artistic when I was a student, when really I knew it to be no more than an excuse for gratuitous nudity. I found the movie to be quite mysogynistic and im not the most PC of people by any stretch of the imagination. I was hoping that when Emilia Fox discovered that she had secretly been spied on and violated that she would´ve kicked the little perv straight in the goolies.
This dreadful film should be renamed `Carry on Tescos´.


I agree with you Lar.


I am male and I am older

And I watch alot of movies, American TV sucks now adays

When I get to see a movie like this it just amazes me

Forget the nudity and it doesn't make women look bad in this film

Women are beautiful its a fact

This was a great movie and I haven't said that in a long time

You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!


Couldn't have said it any better.

And come on, it's European, nudity is a must.

Watch German films, the men are naked just as much as the women.

Cashback is a beautiful movie, It caputured the way I now feel and felt about women when I was a boy.


I would not argue how some looked this film as offensive and claptrap. If one could be open to major facts nowadays, one could appreciate this film at least. But some as well are being narrow minded and resist their thinking in looking unto the movie's truer and interesting aspects...God bless


If you believe "it depicts women as only being valued for physical beauty" then the major theme of the movie sailed right over your head.

Oh, and of course it's pretentious. It's about an art student who romanticizes his fascination with the female form. It's supposed to be pretentious because the main character is pretentious throughout most of the movie, and we're seeing the world through his eyes.

Did you bother to really, actually watch the film? Or were you so upset at seeing boobies that you just couldn't move beyond the fact that -- surprise -- a 20-year-old male likes boobies?


Since some other guys on this board said things I agree with, I'd just like to defend the fact that great looking, well-dressed women do happen to go shopping in the middle of the night. Having worked the graveyard shift for a few years at a 24 hour Wal-Mart, you see pretty much the same kinds of people at night that you see during the day. Although you're more likely to bump into weirdos and teenagers, there are plenty of beautiful women shopping in the midnight hours.

I felt a strong connection to this movie because I worked third shift and my artistic background. Unfortunately, I couldn't freeze time and live in a second, and admire beautiful women. Well I admired them, just not frozen in time and naked.

And I also agree that this movie was much more than portraying women as ONLY valued for physical beauty. I will also agree that it isn't the most romantic movie, but it definitely earned it's points in the last portion of the movie.

But everyone has their opinions.





I really liked this film but founding it disturbing because it is such an obvious ripoff of Nicholson Baker's novel The Fermata.


Aaaahhhh fianlly someone else who recognized this! I liked the movie too but the whole time I kept thinking how much of a ripoff it was.


Why doesn't someone make a film out of the specific story in Fermata?


I'm a male and I didn't give a crap about the nudity. The movie moves from the scorn of a woman, to the physical "beauty" of woman, to the inner-beauty of a woman, back to the scorn of a woman, and to reconciliation of all the variables.
I understand your concern, but take the film as a whole by considering as many relevant variables as you can, and you may see a very pleasant film as I do. Cheers.


yeah.... i'm a girl and i didnt really find it offensive at all. it's didnt consider the movie to be giving the message that women are only good for their physical beauty, but when watching the scene i figured there would be a lot of people would, haha. I thought it was a hell of a lot more artistic then that. I'm sorry if you couldn't see past the naked bodies, but i think if you payed attention a little more without EXPECTING it to be horrible as soon as you see the naked butts, you'll find a lot of depth there.

the scene overwhelmed me to be honest... i thought the entire thing was beautiful. that scene was definitely my favorite part in the movie.


Yeah clothes are stupid anyway... nudity doesn't always equate to sexuality. That scene frozen in time with the naked women was more about the sheer beauty of the female form, more so than the sexual aspect of it. Being naked can also just be fun, when streaking or swimming in the nude for example. I enjoy the latter two a lot, and the Europeans are pioneers in this field. Props to them for that.

On that point, check out this Sigur Rós if you want:
it captures the primordial innocence of nudity I think pretty well.


Hey MysticBitch35 :

A lot of women love this movie. My girlfriend sat me down and made me watch it. We both liked it very much. I know where you're coming saw some naked attractive women (which I'm sure you're bitter about the fact that you are not one of them)- and that was it, you hated it after the first set of nice boobs appeared. Get over yourself. You do not speak for women, but rather for yourself and your own whiny little opinion. Period.


I would say she speaks for the majority of feminists. She certainly speaks for me as a feminist myself.


Or what you define a feminist to be......


Technically I cannot make a claim like that with absolute certainty (like most things), but I think it's pretty black and white in this case. I would say that the vast majority of 3rd-wave feminists and even most post-feminists would concur.


When I read the title of this original post, I thought mysticgirl35 was talking about herself.

But I guess I was wrong.
