MovieChat Forums > Cashback (2006) Discussion > This film actually angers me

This film actually angers me

Often I enjoy watching bad films, sometimes it can be fun to see a films incompetence on screen, or watch a film completely fail at what it set out to do. Other bad films are just a completely miserable experience, this one falls into the latter category.

Let's just be real, without the nudity, this film would have absolutely NOTHING going for it. The chemistry between characters is nonexistent. I don't think the lead character changed facial expressions once throughout the film. The dialogue is abysmal. Every scene consists of:

"Do you still miss your ex-girl?"
"You should find a new girl"
"I dont know. Maybe".

And that's basically it. The narration is even worse. The narration doesn't provide any further insight into the character or the theme or the story, it literally just describes what is happening on screen, basically showing that it is used to cover up crappy dialogue.

Now here is one of the big issues. I'm fine with nudity, but the director should have just been honest with his intentions. The nudity here wasn't art, it wasn't tastefully done, it wasn't clever, and it added absolutely nothing. It was written into the story in a very half-assed way. If the director had just made a movie where he convinced a bunch of young art students to take their clothes off so he could film it and make a titty film, that would be much better than what we were given. Because what we were given is this pretentious hack trying to pass off this smut film as some kind of intellectual art, when it isn't, and it fails miserably at that. Had this movie just been a smut film, it would have still sucked, but at least it would have been honest. That's all it is. A director who wanted to see tits, muff, and ass, and he had to create some bs plot to justify why.




You need to chill, Syava.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.
