Not what I wanted!

So the only reason I watched this was because I was hoping that Sean Biggerstaff would have the same accent that he did in Harry Potter, but I didn't even get that.

I am one of those people that has to watch to the end, once I have started and I wish that I hadn't. It wasn't good. There was no point to the story, it was full of plot-holes and in the end it just turned out to be utter crap.

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree.


Aw poor thing. Why don't you go ahead and re-watch Harry Potter!


You don't have to be condescending.

I was just making an observation that I watched it in the beginning hoping for the accent, but did not get that, then I hoped that it would continue on to be a good movie but I did not get that either. It was just disappointing all the way through.

This is the Media People. You want reality, look out a window.
