Lets talk! Season 15 Episode 18:
Feelings on the table, what an episode that was. Where do we start to unravel that one. Last Bob Berens script we will see for a while at least.
I did not expect that twist that the Empty was going to take Billie in as well. Even though she knew the Empty had beef with her, as she put it for blowing it to smithereens earlier with Jack as the bomb! So is she DEAD?? We know Cas was taken sadly, but could they still be alive inside the Empty like Jack was? We have that hope at least of seeing Cas again?
I wondered how Dean would survive Billie, once the Empty took Cas with it. But since that twist that turned Dean's life of survival upside down. So if Billie is dead, she can't reap God now as she said eons ago, so how will God be got rid of??
That was a superb episode, with lots to think about. It almost scored a 10, but there was the odd flaw, so am giving it 9 out of 10!
Share your thoughts please!!
Fire AWAY......