Train Horn Sound.

This comes back to me every time on the episode that I hear it and that train horn was blasting in the background in the last episode.

An old friend who used to post on IMDb bought this up, and the thread went on for ages, thinking it could be a lead into the stories. So does anyone here have a clue as to if it might be a big clue. Or just a general train passing through on a near by track whilst they are filming some where in Canada? And nothing to lead into the story telling? A red herring??


More likely just a train passing through. I grew up in a small town and was just 3 blocks away from train tracks. We had trains pass though several times day and night. It got to a point where we got so used to it that we didn't hear them. And of course I have several pennies that I placed on the track that were flattened by the wheels. My town was very lucky that we didn't have any accidents, although I think there were a few near misses when someone didn't want to wait and drove across the tracks just before the train arrived. We didn't have crossing guards until about 10 years ago. Then they were installed.

So I think it's just background noise like a car horn honking or a dog barking.


Yeap, I know your right. But at the time we thought the conversations were so strong that it at the time could be connected to the story some how. Alleycat bought it up, and hoped she might pop back in and explain her thoughts on why she originally thought about it. Cause every time I hear that horn, I think of her and miss her.


You're right. I'd forgotten about Alleycat. She really got into the discussions and had everyone involved. I miss her too.
