MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Supernatural star Jensen Ackles confirms...

Supernatural star Jensen Ackles confirms script changes for final episodes due to pandemic

Interesting, any comments?


Well, I don't think they give us much information. Did they have adjustments to acknowledge COVID or are these changes to the script to help the storyline? What was said also throws me off - It says reshoots were supposed to be done in March, but COVID happened, doesn't this mean it's not "new" adjustments, but things to shoot they were originally going to shoot in March?


It made me wonder about the social distancing stuff. What we usually get in a finale is something happening to the boys, and they hug it out. I hope we don't miss out on a Winchester hug! Jensen said they couldn't say anything until after it was filmed. So we might not even know this year. They can't say anything because of spoilers more than they dare do is spoil a script now.


The finale would have to be in November or December I would think with Walker supposedly starting in January. I really don't want the finale dragged out to next year.

That's the first thing i thought with the COVID rules...Sam and Dean won't be able to hug? I think they might be able to. A lot of these shows you have to come into closer contact, I think any type of kissing (which they don't do) would be a bigger issue.


That's true they don't go there thank goodness. So the restrictions are not really in place for hugging, so we might see it then? Phew! I would have been disappointed not to see one, for the last ever episode. I am with you about it not dragging out after Christmas. It would interrupt Walker which the network would go along with.

If we have 8 episodes left, that's basically two whole months which would take it to about 2nd week in December when they usually break for Christmas. So it would make perfect sense to finish there.


I think we have 7 episodes left and I think they might do a 2 hour run for either Episode 14 and 15, or a 2 hour "finale" for Episode 19 and 20. However, I don't see them rushing the show to end. I think CW is going to let it linger on for 7 weeks.

What I would like them to do is have a special retrospective, where the cast and crew are interviewed about the show and everything. I haven't seen a retrospective in years and I don't understand why they aren't still done. I've seen one for The Office and Gossip Girl years ago. I would even expect it to be 2 hours long!


I thought did cross my mind earlier. In the UK actors who are over 65 are not allowed on set because of the risks involved. Is this so in the US? But then I can't at the moment think of an actor over 65 except Jim Beaver who is 70 today, and he's still playing his AU version? Just putting it out there.

I wouldn't like them to rush it through either, its too special to speed it up just to get it off the network and replace it with something else. I don't know why they haven't done a retrospective version, maybe time is too tight or its expensive to do. Nice idea though, I seem to remember a couple of shows doing them before. I wonder if they will have a huge party bash afterwards, can't wait to see the photos.


Over 65 sounds correct for the US, but they film in Vancouver, so I don't know what their regulations are. I do know their cases aren't as bad as here in the US, so hopefully that means they have more wiggle room with what they can do.
