Comic Con Question?

Dare I risk asking a question?

Since the show would have ended last week, we would NOT have been attending Comic-Con. As a fandom, it was our real main event of the year. Since the show is not re-starting until October does this mean we still get to go to Comic-Con? And what would they have left to show us, if we did see it?



I thought Comic Con was cancelled. Unless they are going to do a virtual one, where I'm sure everyone will want a piece of the pie including Supernatural to promote it's final season, part 2. They will probably put together a trailer of what they have filmed to make sure people tune in. It may be hard to believe to super fans, but some people don't care anymore.


I'm forgetting it was cancelled because of the virus. But then some events are just moving them forward to another date. They might have it in the Autumn?


Still says it's cancelled. It's a huge thing, so they probably thought it would be safer to cancel it all together.


Yeap, I sort of agree. Its safer to put it off until next year. Will feel strange without it.


Of course when you cancel an event for a year you end up losing visitors in the future because some of your die hard fans will have realized that they can do without and will skip ever going back. It happens all the time and the reason a annual event tries to never ever cancel because it can have long lasting effects.


But then how many times has Comic-Con ever been cancelled. I don't think I've ever known it to?
