Am I the only one noticing this? In the earlier seasons Jared towered over Jensen. I mean it is what it is. Jared is a monster.
Now in recent seasons there are some scenes where Jensen is almost standing the same height as Jared. Like he took miracle growth or something. Or he's wearing the same lifts that RDJ has been rocking for the past few Avengers movies. I mean I get it from a DP's POV to frame your shots better but it's only 3-4 inches. It's not like Mulder and Scully where Duchovny is a foot taller then Anderson and they had her standing on boxes.
It's OK Jensen. Embrace it. We still love you anyways. Besides you're almost 6'1 Tom Cruise would kill for your height.
I've known in the past Jensen gets frustrated with Jared's height, its always been known in the fandom. I think when they shot photos one often steps a couple of steps back which makes them look about the same height. Very clever. Misha has also appeared just as tall as Jensen in recent years, when he appears to be the shortest of the three? Maybe now you would think Jared has stopped growing. I always thought you stopped, around 18 when your spine stops growing. Maybe Jared has some magical powers that he doesn't know about? Maybe the production company want them at same heights to look good in photos. Its amazing what lengths these people go to, too make their team look how they want them to be.
Yeah IDK to me I just find it extremely distracting is all. Similar to RDJ in the MCU. I mean Robert is short, no big deal. But in the latest Avengers movie he's magically the same height as Chris Evans. Ditto for Robert DeNiro wearing lifts in the Irishman. I'm sorry but I can't help but be distracted by that. The Men wearing lifts is just absolutely absurd to me
It's like the saying goes "I can't unsee it." Even in the Scooby Doo episode. The animators had Jensen/Jared standing at the same height which is so ridiculous. And Jensen is almost 6'1 which is a pretty damn good height to be at. I love ya bro but get over it
Maybe the production company want them at same heights to look good in photos. Its amazing what lengths these people go to, too make their team look how they want them to be.
If it's so important to these shows, the casting person needs to get on the ball. It's not like you have to be a tremendous talent to act in a show.
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Hollywood is tremendously shallow these days in how they want their artists to look. Photoshop is the perfect example to tweak things here and there just to suit their perfections. I bet actors must get sick of it to think they are being done up in this way just to please its employers. But guess this just comes with its territory.
^^This is very true. Lifts for people who aren't tall enough because god forbid anyone allowed to be short anymore. Hair extensions or hair pieces for those who are thinning or bald because god forbid anyone is allowed to be bald. Two and half hours spent on lighting to hide people's aging faces because god forbid anyone have wrinkles or lines under their eyes. Of course that only applies to those who haven't had botox or plastic surgery. Spray on abs is prob the one I laugh at the most. Spray on abs, why don't they just stuff their shirts. I can't sometimes when I hear this nonsense.
But yeah like soapbox said if it's such a dire necessity then cast accordingly