I don't get why, when someone writes an article that's their opinion and it's called or accepted as "news" - every post that we make on here should be posted to the public then. That's basically a summary of what's happened to the boys. Saying they've already won, is like saying how the shows been on for it to be a teenager in years. Both of them have died and returned many times. So, what else can be done to them? I don't agree that Season 15 has been the best season in years. No way. It's like people talking about how great the super bowl halftime show was - no.
My answer why it doesn't actually matter how Supernatural ends - It's a television show. For one, we haven't seen the ending yet and these boys have been through a lot to where "death" is even on their side. The Winchesters may die, but that doesn't mean it's an ending, or even a true ending. J2 talk about returning one day and if that's true and it indeed happens, then the ending of Season 15, doesn't matter. It's like an ending to any of the other seasons, dissect those and think, how would I feel if this was the ending of the show? Car accident with fates unknown, boys going back on the road with Dean having 1 year, Dean in hell, Lucifer coming, the OG ending, Castiel being taken over by Levis, Dean stuck in purgatory, Sam close to death and angels falling, Dean's a demon, darkness is coming, Sam kidnapped by a British lady and mom is back, Cas/Crowley "dead" with mom & Lucifer stuck in AU and Lucifers baby born, Michael takes over Dean, God saying this is the end. Are any of these endings OK? None of them are "completed" endings. I don't think Season 15's will be and I don't think it should be. They need to leave things open imo.
The door should be left wide open. Your right, its not the end of the world if they do die because they can be bought back again, and again. I didn't like the idea of the article saying they've won. How do they honestly know that? Have they access to be able to see into the future, or got their hands on a Chrystal ball from a circus? Its a crazy thing to say. I love how you said they've even had Death on their side, ooops, oh yes and Dean killed him, and he came back as a women?
Its written more or less certain that this isn't the end, and J2 will be back in a Movie, or even a reunion series whatever. It gives us all hope we will see them again in some form or other.