I got worked up over Becky coming back, and even to a point Benny? Yes I know not a fan of either. But, Becky, Emily Perkins surprised me. After not seeing her since S5 ten years past like where did those years go?? Emily Perkins must have done her own home-work, as she still kept the characters nuances her facial expressions, and mannerism's down to a tee. Good on her! Benny was hardly in it, three seconds and you would have missed it? So the theme continues of bringing back plenty of old characters back, just to kill them off in a dramatic style. Show are you surprising me. NO!
I really hated the narration nagging in my ear hole, what is the point of this all of a sudden? I kept thinking is this something to do with something later on down the line?
Rob Benedict is stepping up his acting chops becoming the next villain, he is becoming rather dark and it suits him. He's nasty, surprising, and committed to writing and stirring up trouble for Sam and Dean.
Also how did Jensen manage to get his own bands new music onto the show. I love the sound of his voice, and the bluesy sound the band is creating. I think his album is out on release today 8/11.
Yockey is getting to know the brothers, and that end scene tore me apart. Sam is depressed, these guys need some medication to help them through, they have been through so damned much Chuck, leave them alone. Chuck I am sure is gonna kill both brothers off in the end? I just know it....
Sammi, you were right about seeing Dean in that AU, that seemed like Sam's dream mind. Dean fighting was pretty bad ass.
I liked the beginning of the episode and I thought it was going to go somewhere interesting, but I felt there were let downs throughout the episode. Though, I still like it better compared to the first 2 episodes.
I'm not sure what the point of bringing Benny back was, other than to show a familiar face and to show in other worlds, we/they will still come in contact with the same people. Also, I'm guessing he wasn't a vampire(?) I'm not even sure what killed him, bullets, I'm assuming. Becky, I didn't mind they were bringing her back, but I'm surprised how "mature" she was, a husband and 2 kids, though I'm confused with her eldest age, since we haven't seen her in 8 years and he looked over 10, but whatever, I guess, they don't exist anymore anyways.
The case for the boys was boring, but at least this time around they got somewhat better actors. We barely saw much of the boys and they barely solved anything. All for what, another subplot that ties into the ongoing story. I was hoping we were getting a full on monster of the week episode and the end was only Chuck and Becky, but no, it's a subplot that was dragged out. Perhaps, I'm biased, but this case was simple and safe. Jensen's directing was good, but it didn't help the episode for me and how he was jumping around between the shots of revealing the twist about the son, felt very un-Supernatural, more lifetime movie. I"m glad to see Jensen got his song into the episode.
The problem for Chuck is he gets too comedic, that's the actor, and it annoys me when actors are unable to simply just portray a character and not letting out of who they are. Like Metatron really mad me hate him and annoy at the same time, but Chuck right now to me is only a whiny brat who sucks at being God. He's not a villain.
You surprise me about Chuck. I think Rob is playing it very softly, being careful not to over play the Villain side of him too much. This time round for me Rob is stealing the show. Proving to us, that he can drive a story and take it somewhere. Whereas mid season 5 his acting didn't over impress me. So he's gradually grown on me as a big bad. I think he might surprise us all. He's not on par with someone like 'Death' the Original, Cain, or Zachariah for example, but there is something there that I am at least feeling that I wasn't before. I think the script is working some magic and its rubbing off on Rob very well. I loved that stuff between him, the darkness and Becky all very cleverly, gently plotted. Give it time, sure it will pan out well in the end.
I did read some where that Lynn from Fangasm reckons God ends up killing Sam. In turn Dean ends up killing God which ends up killing God, which is a bizarre ending, but, when I think about it, rather cool. I hate the thought of either bro dying, but this could work, as long as its feasible and worthy of their journey?
Suppose the only way to stop God is by using the God Gun. But due to the connection with Chuck, Sam would die as well. And Dean at the same time because of the nature of the weapon. A Supernatural Hat Trick. But I think he’d be okay with that.
If they kill the Winchesters off the one thing I don’t want to see is a family and friends reunion scene in Heaven. Or them aged and living secluded in a cabin. Or retired and teaching the next set of Slayers-uh, I mean, hunters. I’d rather see Amara show up and combine their souls like she and Chuck did and direct them Heavenward. Or just bring them back and reset them - like Chuck put them on that plane. Back in the Impala ready for their next hunt, saving people, hunting things - Chuck dead or under control - she’s in charge. But benevolent, not psycho like Chuck. Gotta keep ‘me around for the movie afterall.
I don't want to see either die and go up to heaven, never have. I don't know if the season 15 poster is foreshadowing this fact, but could be possible. I like the hattrick feel as you say. It gives it a nice twist to end on, and different to the season 5 original ending 10 years ago. After all, day I say the word JOURNEY, I need to be happy that it has the right feel to their journey, or else what's the point. Going out with a bang, killing God is a huge bang to go out on. But if God dies, then what happens to the universe if all three die in this duel? No God, to carry on with the worlds he's generated and been a massive part of. Will this come up in a movie down the line and then what happens about Cas, does he die in this battle too? Will he be the only survivor? I know you don't like them being old and grey, but it was one of my original endings that I'd thought of ages ago. I just liked the idea of reminiscing and looking back on the long and happy lives together. Not killed off, young and still in their prime.
I remember Jensen going and talking to Eric and he said he didn't like the ending. Eric said to Jensen your getting too close to it. Take a step back. He's now okay with the ending. So, if he's happy??
I get the feeling that Jensen is less happy, more talked into it. Everyone else was on board. I get that he is close to it but me? I trust Jensen’s gut. I anticipate being part of that 30% Dabb said won’t like it.
There’s Amara - equal to God. She could take the reins. There is also Jack - You know they are going to bring him back in some way. A Nephilim of great power. What if Amara and Jack become the New God. Or Jack on his own - bringing to pass the vision of peace Cas saw through him.
I did hear somewhere Jack was on his way back. I did think about him being the 'new' God too. Which isn't a bad idea. Much better choice than the God the boys are stuck with at present? I feel I would rather Jack be on his own as God, than trapped between God and Amara which could be dangerous for him being so young. Could he handle Amara??
There was an article on TVGuide.com (which I can't find now darn it) where it said Jensen asked that Ty would be in the episode. It said that Ty had one day to film and when Jensen asked Ty if he would do it said it was a definite yes. It was just a friend thing.
I'm agreeing with Bella that Chuck kills Sam because the bullets in both of them are like the two cans on a string. There's a connection that Chuck wants to get rid of. That puts Dean on a vengeance track to kill Chuck
There was a male actor speaking over the top of Sam and Dean's scenes. Never heard this done before and not sure of the reason why he's even included in the episode. What side is he narrating, the boys or God's later down the line? It felt like when they did that mini movie on the Impala when it came off the production line, it had the same sound and feel. Whether they are trying to emulate this I don't know. But its wired.
I didn’t experience that on my viewing of the broadcast. Of course I watched it recorded thru my DVR cause I work the hour it airs. Anyone else experience this “narration”? What was said? Who was supposed to be narrating?
I still wonder what twist Dabb has in mind. He’s dropping so many anvils and parallels (and yes I realize some of it was suppose to be Chucks writing but still) - I hope they don’t plan on continuing with the various death scenes. It’s repetitive and unless it’s going to lead to the Winchesters keying in on something they can use against God? It’s kinda depressing. Dabb is doing a good job of draining any hopefulness we usually feel during all the helplessness. One things for sure they need to get on with it considering we only have what, 15 episodes left after this week? 15 to wrap up a series. No time to waste Andrew. Chop, chop!