J2 and their Beards?

This is a conundrum? I have asked a close friend and she is also baffled by my question?

J2 always shave their beards off before transforming back into Sam and Dean after the summer break to help them get out of character and feel normal again.

My point is that we know that episodes are filmed out of order, and since Jensen is directing this year after the birth of his twins and letting them settle he is directing episode 4? During comic-con which started around Jared's birthday the boys were still in J2 mode with beards. They had also returned back filming that week back in July?

So with this knowledge, what is baffling me is that does this mean that Sam and Dean are not to be seen during episode 4? as they are out of character with beards still on? I seem to remember on one occasion that Sam was sporting a beard for one episode back in S9, and this was explained? So do you think they will appear in episode 4 or not??


I thought they started filming after they shaved their beards. Production for Episode 4 started with Jensen still having a beard, but he wasn't doing any filming on screen I dont think. I think it was scouting and maybe drawing out scenes....I'm not a director, so I don't fully know how it works. I think the boys are in episode 4 - with it being their last season, I don't think they'd be missing from any episodes imo.

If the boys are in Episode 4 with beards...it makes you wonder if there may be a time jump to explain the beards. It looks like this episode is to appear on Halloween, so I wonder if it will also take place during Halloween..

I think the first 3 episodes are going to be ongoing and the 4th episode is going to be a bit of a mow. Idk that's just my guess.


I'm just mixed up. Because I've seen scenes when they are style heavily bearded. And they've been back filming since mid July and they always shave before filming starts. It just felt late for them doing it when in the past they've been so on the ball. I know its only a little detail but feels like a big one. Jensen's finished filming his episode now, so they must be starting the premier I would guess.

At Comic-Con I think Andrew said that the first three episodes would be heavily in that world we saw in the finale, and episode 4 would be back to normal. Which sounds about right considering previous arc's. Nice to think we have a Halloween episode not had one in a while. Only chance we will get since its our last season?


I just watched a video on YouTube and someone brought up the beards and a possible time jump, so it's a possibility. We'll see this Halloween tho


Ahhh, that now figures. I thought I was going bonkers!
SPN are well known for their time jumps. I used to remember on IMDb when this happened posters were fuming because it wasn't real time and mucked up the natural order of time.
