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Everyone who could come back for Supernatural season 15 – and what it would mean

Do you guys feel the same way as this list ^

Fire away, who do you want to see back, and why?


Wow, I'll be honest - I was expecting a completely different list...
1. John Winchester - It would be great to see him return/reunited with the boys in some way (since many expect the boys to die). If he doesn't return, I won't be that disappointed. If John is with Mary happy in their heaven, they might not want to bother it. And depending if Jeffrey Dean Morgan has free time away from TWD, I don't know.
2. Lisa & Ben - I was really confused, when this is who Dean decided to go be with in Season 5, and the whole "if Dean is the father of Ben" - I'm very much over it. I recently watched the episode with Cassie and she was just as forgotten, though she was introduced in an episode that was very dull, I dislike Route 666 way more than Bugs. So, why bother bringing them back to do what they already attempted to do between Season 5 & 6. Let it be. Lisa & Ben's memories were erased of Dean, which erased my care for whatever happens to them after.
3. Ellen - Sure, I guess. But why would you have Ellen return and not Jo...again? But I'm fine either way.
4. Adam - He's on my list!
5. Gabriel - ...He was already brought back in an unbelievable way. Though, it was great to see him again. Lets not have him fake his death AGAIN and become the new annoying Angel (cough*Lucifer) that keeps showing up.
6. Crowley - It would be nice, but would he return after God "redoing" things.??I'm still not fully understanding that and I'm sure they will change as they go. I don't see Crowley returning unless Mark wants to..and they want him to.
7. Lucifer - Haven't we USED this guy enough? Stop trying to play a broken record. If they do bring him back I hope it's a really..REALLY GREAT STORY.

How about you Bella?


How about me. More or less the same view as your writing above. There have been so many unbelievable guest stars to grace our screens in 14 years. Even down to those who have stared more than once in a scene as a different character who get forgotten.
1. I did love the 300th, and am mad as hell when they bring Bobby back countless times and not John. He's always been a favourite of mine, even more so than Mary. I waited years to see John even though it was brief he was an immaculate, charismatic, kind, considerate gentleman. I didn't want him to go, and end up like Dallas a Bobby moment in the shower. John was worth more than that. Many anticipated he would come back in the last episode like Smallville. But I hope they don't ruin it if he does come back. Yes, I want him back desperately.
2. Lisa and Ben. I don't think so. Women and wives on this show don't mix as we learnt very early on. As you said memories we removed of Dean, so unless Cas can put them back in, I doubt Lisa as much as I loved her would be back which is a shame.
3. Ellen, again as you, sure but why have they not listed Jo? They BOTH scarified so much in the end? Am always a huge fan of Ellen. Even though Jo used to rub me up the wrong way, just like Claire?
4. Adam. 100% YES! that loose end needs to be tied up by the writers, even though Adam will be in a terrible way and out for revenge. I think there is a lot of stories to tell there. It seems a possibility since J2 are heavily talking about him and think a lot of him.
5. Gabriel warmed to me over time, and was never a huge fan of him the way he treated the boys. But as you mention he's been bought back so why spoil it? Unless he can help with the God situation?
6. Crowley. One of my ultimate of ultimate's to come home. If his death meant anything to fans, his would. So many love him the baddy of all baddies.


Post run out, continued!

7. Lucifer. NO - flat Nooooo! His story is done to death and so is Nick's. As much as I love to see Mark on my screen I relieved it was over. He's played his part, unless again he can help with the God storyline then I think he should stay gone.

Who else I really, really, really want to come back? Not necessarily because of the actor, but because I think there is further stories to flesh out of that character. I am sure there are way more, and had to look up a huge number as my memory is so crap. Enjoy remembering all those we've forgotten?

Pam Barnes, for real not in Dean's head?
Death (the original), and Tessa the original Reaper
The Alpha Vamp
All the other Horsemen
Gordon Walker
Elliot Ness
Robert Englund
Amy Pond
Colin Ford
Layla Rourke
Gary Cole
Linda Blair
Kurt Fuller/Uriel
Benny (not that I am a huge fan)
Sarah Blake
Father Gregory
Samuel Colt
Meg Masters
Rufus Turner
Victor Henderson


Right now, I cant think of more people to return until I finish my rewatch. Could be some I didnt even think of.

I dont want certain people to come back unless it makes sense. I think it's neat on how so many characters have returned but lately they've abused it for audience vs. Story wise.


Sammi you and I are very similar in how we feel about things that almost every time you type something I think 100% I agree with you. That doesn't happen to people very often, and think its a connection we share. I have always thought they have bought characters back just to kill them off, for a fan service rather then fleshing out the story telling, which they could have maybe done the first time around? Zachariah is a prime example here that I am talking about. Just for a few wise crack lines and bam he's dead for what real damned purpose.


That's great to hear Bella. I really enjoy coming on here and being able to talk to someone who likes the show too and can have a real discussion. I don't know anyone personally who watches Supernatural, other than my brother, but he stopped watching after Season 12.
The alternate universe bothered me a bit, mostly because they brought everyone to their world. Though, I like to see alternate worlds, it's fun that one time, not to be dragged out imo.
Gabriel's returning made no sense and one of those, retcons they did. How he was alive the whole time!


But what got me was, why did it take Gabriel so long to over come ASMO and escape. He in the end killed the guy that kept him captive for 7 years which as you say is a hell of a long time. Pardon the pun. Sometimes the writers can be a bit far fetched some times. I didn't personally care for the AU world as a number point out it was just a fan service to bring back who they could just because they could. It wasn't believable as some of the great stories in the past could have been. Which is probably why J2 may have jacked it in. We will never really know. But you can see standards dropping. Purgatory was a well written and thought out plot, one which to this day I think stands out. It had a bit of everything and didn't over do bringing characters back. I think that's what really spoilt the AU world and it stood out like a sore thumb!

Trying to underline certain pitfalls is really difficult when you love a show so much. You don't like to disrespect it, because its a part of you if that makes sense. I will hate to see this show go, and even now think I am going to have to find something new to get my teeth into. My brother is trying to get me to watch Game of Thrones, I have seen odd bits, but it just doesn't grip me in the same way SPN did at the start. I hated horror and was surprised I got beyond that, and saw the show for what it stood for, and what it was really all about. Which is partly why I don't want the writers to spoil next season for me. So much has gone by and under the bridge you forget details, and then wallop your told its finishing. I already feel like I am limbless and missing something in me, so god knows what next year is gonna bring.

I want next season to finish up loose ends that writers have created and not necessarily bought to a tight conclusion ending. I know many don't care about Adam, but this is what I mean by a loop hole. When you re-watch you pick up things you'd forgotten all about. So I hope Dabb is doing his home-work and


investing time into fixing those numbers of loop wholes that clearly to this day exist. Which is why I said about bringing characters back for a reason, to tie up and neatly finish plots that they've left hanging.


The only character(s) I really want to see back so far, is Adam and the OG Michael (might be the same person now)...because they are the only character imo that's "story" has been left untold. Sure, Chuck mentioned Michael being in no condition to fight, but where exactly is he? I guess we assume both of them are in the cage, but it looked pretty empty and only Lucifer was there is Season 11. So,, where the f?

I also feel like bringing back anyone that already is dead is ...pointless. But with this turning into Once Upon a Time (I know I keep bringing that show up in reference, but Supernatural used to feel like "real world" and it's turn so much "meta" and their lives being a story...sounds like Once to me) Dabb should've wrote for that show. Anyways, since the show is turning into ^ then they are going to do/bring back anyone that want and might say "F&@$ it to making sense"...sadly imo.


Well, I guess we will have to wait until Comic-con in July to find out a bit more on whom they plan to bring back. Then we might have a firmer idea of where the season might be going. Its not long to wait now. I really need to go back and watch 'Once'!


Exactly. It almost seems as if there have been more resurrected characters than actual characters these past few years. And that’s not including Dean and Sam. It’s stale. Been there, done that, have a walking closet full of t-shirts. If they bring anyone back I pray they are selective. Characters that haven’t been resurrected already. CageMichael and - breaking my own parameters-he can still bring back Michael/Dean because that story was cut so short and ripped away from Jensen that Dabb owes us. Cain. Adam. No more doornails. Minimal with the ones still around. Such as Jody and Donna. Some loop holes and hanging storylines sadly will remain such as they won’t have time for everything. I wonder if they will destroy the bunker tho. I can’t help but think it’s going to end up being more of a “previouslies”. As in So and so who previously appeared on Supernatural. Dabb sucks. I can’t see him doing a 180 on his suckitude just because it’s the final year. Even with the J’s input.


Stuff gets carried away with me sometimes, its called imagination! I find myself getting over excited just wondering. Summer hiatuses are so hard to bear, that all you have is thoughts. But all our thoughts here are similar in that if anyone is bought back it must be for the good of the current story, otherwise its just a pure waist of time and again imagination, creativity and hours and hours of writing for what?


Honestly? Very few. Wisely selected. Not any of this fan favorite crap - writing them back so that we could see them once more. Who amongst us believes that Dabb wouldn’t over do it? Please no. For every person/character that returns that is all that much less time we will see Sam and Dean in our final year of having the pleasure to do so. So no. What’s dead should pretty much stay that way. Characters who’s storylines have pretty much been wrapped up (some looser than others) - leave sleeping dogs alone. No Ben, no Lisa. No Jo and Ellen. No Gabriel. They already brought him back and did his story no favors... No Bobby. I have Beaver fatigue. He’s come back more often than I think I ever saw him on screen in Supernatural. No Waywards. If we see Donna and Jody limit it. Claire and Company can stay as screen mentions. Adam. Yes. Cain. Yes. Ketch. Yes. Their story could still be expanded. Meg, Benny, Gordon Walker, Death... all those that went out in a blaze of glory or as a willing sacrificial lamb. Even dare I say, Crowley. Leave it. Their deaths or sacrifices shaped what Supernatural is today. Bringing them back amid ticker tape and fanfare as in Kurt Fullers Zachariah only to ruin them? A waste.

So no. Few and far in between. No line up of former stars. Just, no.


I've written a post and my computers lost it darn!!

AC I get you and understand your points. But I think about the main arc and the story telling surrounding last ever arc. Some characters didn't really finish that well. And that's a shame as they deserve so much more. Cain is a prime example that we never saw his dead body he was supposedly killed off screen which was bad enough. His screen time was limited considering the good story line Cain got for such a great actor. Gabe is another I often think about, because he got a raw deal second time around. Gabe was so strong, powerful and such a dynamic arch angel that he killed his capture of seven long, horrible years. But first time around we never saw Gabe's wings when he died. As for Azazel I think he would be perfect to bring back. Not because I'm a huge fan of his, but the background to his story. How personal his attack on the Winchesters was, and how evil Azazel really was as a baddy and king of the demons then. Adam is a more personal bring back and loose end which still angers me to this day. But again I stress his mental state if he comes back. How will this be incorporated into the story telling. Is revenge on the Winchesters too obvious?

Sam and Dean are not on screen 24/7 and if I were an SPN writer I would think about those in-between plots and think how can they be woven into this last ever arc? What benefit would it be to the fans and the show, if I bought them back? We only have 20 episodes left to plot and tell the best ever story we can ever tell. So how can I best use and be creative around this space? I can imagine the writers are having a brain storming session at the moment, wondering how to be creative and think of different twists and turns, and which characters to include in those twists and turns. The number of murders they need to write and the number of conclusions they need to fix and let alone old characters they bring back to conclude before 15/20. I would love to watch an SPN writer at work right now!


What is the likelihood that Dabb will bring back a Cain or Adam or Azazel. (Tho when it comes to Yellow Eyes I’d really rather they leave that storyline alone where it is - I know people want Sam to have his powers back but please, no. Where could they logically take that? And it would create another situation where they would have to power and depower and repower him when the story called for it like they do Cas. Is Cas or isn’t he? Can Cas or can’t he? Who cares. It’s gotten predictable, convenient and boring. Bleh). No, he would go for Claire or Kia or Jody and Donna filling in more backstory to a character that I only marginally care about compared to the Winchesters. Every angel they have brought back AU or otherwise they have ruined. Remember AUCas? Yeah. Point made. The only AU I cared about was Michael BECAUSE of the connection to Dean (and Sam). Until he became an issue for Dean I could have taken or left him. Early on in the series Kripke and Company were really good at having the secondary characters revolve around the Winchesters. They were tied to or affected them one way or another. I cared because they were directly in the Winchester orbit. Nowadays that isn’t always the case. And when that happens it’s just not as interesting. Nothing against those actors but Supernatural is Sam and Dean. I’m rambling, I’m tired - long day. Suffice it to say that air time dedicated to, for example, Claire and her gay love story with Kia is all that more less time we get to see Jensen and Jared grace our screens. 20 episodes is going to go fast. I know they can’t work Jensen and Jared to death so I’d like to see them be more judicious, wiser with the time they do have. I just don’t think Dabb has it in him.


I think now with J2 inputting a lot of creation into next season, I am more hopeful that Dabb might step up to the mark. If the boys think creatively in who they bring back for what real reason, then we might be safe. I think you probably right about Azazel now about Sam's powers its been done and Sam's knocked that episode on the head. But nevertheless would still love to see the old demon. If they could weave in another story without involving his old powers. They flogged that to death. If this is a battle to fight and defeat God, then the boys need all the help they can get. If old characters are bought back for this reason it might be more feasible to engage in the story more and care about those forgotten characters again. If Eric does have an input also where does this leave our final, finale? They only have a very short window into bring old stories and new ones to a dramatic end. This is scary!
