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Supernatural: A Hunter's Lessons from the Road: By: Sam Winchester Hardcover – 3 Mar 2020

Anyone seen this. Just an observation, has anyone noticed that its written by a fictional character called Sam Winchester and not the actor Jared Padalecki? Is this an error or fake? Tim Waggoner is also the stated author. Also note, not released until next March 2020.


I believe Tim Waggoner has written a couple Supernatural soft cover books so I’d say probably legit.


So has he written the novel type story books? Not heard of him which was why I questioned it?


He wrote Carved In Flesh which if I remember was okay. Set sometime in Season 7. The other one was MythMaker which was interesting. This ones set sometime around Season 10. I liken these Supernatural paperbacks to potato chips... once you sit down with the bag it’s hard to stop eating. Or that may just be me. I love to read but at the same time I hate it because once I start a book, I can’t put it down. I will skip meals and sleep... I have to finish. I’m like that with shows and movies too. I can’t understand how someone can just stop and return to viewing it later. Anyway, there are so many penned by different authors. My least favorite is John Passerella? I am missing the newer ones that came out recently but here’s the list of the ones I do have by author. Not in order of date published tho.

Witches Canyon/Jeff Mariotte. This one was decent.

Nevermore/Keith R.A. Candido. Bone Key/Keith R.A. Candido. Heart of the Dragon/also by Keith R.A. Candido. (These as I remember were just okay. Didn’t thrill me).

The Unholy Cause/Joe Schreiber.

War of the Sons/Rebecca Dessertine & David Reed (more exciting title than the story was) One Year Gone/Rebecca Dessertine (Lisa and Ben figured into this one)

Coyotes Kiss/Christa Faust (if I remember I did like this one)

Night Terror/John Passarella who also wrote Rite of Passage and Cold Fire. The first two are not favorites. Several different reasons. One: It seems as if the man has never met a word he didn’t like. Two: He concentrates way too much on other characters. If the MOW kills were written in the show the same way he does in his books-the episode would be over before the Winchesters ever graced the screen. Definitely needs to focus more on Sam and Dean. And Three: The man has never met a word he didn’t like. There’s a reason they use smaller type when they print his books. Cold Fire tho? I think that one was better than his first two.



Carved In Flesh/Tim Waggoner who also wrote MythMaker. These were okay as I remember. I think I liked MythMaker better?

Fresh Meat/Alice Henderson. I did like this one.

Some of these authors capture Sam and Dean better than others which helps with the enjoyment of the story. Rebecca Dessertine was Eric Kripke assistant! Just depends on what you are looking for or what floats your boat when you read these. They helped during hiatuses. But only for a night. ;). I can’t put them down, remember?

The new ones that I know of but haven’t read yet are: The Usual Sacrifices/Yvonne Navarro (this one sounds good-I actually got to read a snippet/example) Joy Ride by John Passerella - this also sounds interesting and ahhhh another one I didn’t even know about by Tim Waggoner - Children of Anubis!!!! This one has Garth.

Supernatural Wiki has a list and short description for each.

Go. Enjoy! I know I’ll be ordering 3 very soon! Maybe we can compare notes! ;)


I'm not a reader, never have been, but I love to write. Dad often says to me how can you write without ever reading a book. But I do. Its called watching TV. Last year I went on a course about how to plot a novel, in a local library and I got into the author who lead the course. I even bought her book. And talked to her on my own after for a bit and got good feedback. I did quite well, picking it up and putting it down between takes. But got bored with her storytelling and characters never did very much. I gave up, the book is still sitting in the cupboard.

Hiatus is difficult but particularly with this being our last ever. I'm not sure what I will do next year. Dad always used to read when he was a kid as there was no TV or entertainment much to amuse them so he would read under the covers late into the night, I can understand this. What would we now do without our computers, dread to think!


So you’re telling me I researched and took the time to write that all up for you for nothing? Thanks a lot. Kidding. At least it’s there if you or anyone else want it.

Truthfully I will save money cause I’ll probably get rid of my cable altogether. Secondly I’ll have more time on my hands. Except when I’m doing my rewatches of the entire series. And reading fan fic. Lots and lots of fan fic. Seriously tho, I will miss it. I have never been attached much less this interested in a tv show. Ever. The fact that both Jared and Jensen seem to be decent, kind men and not a couple of jackasses hasn’t hurt. :). I will continue to follow Jensen’s career, Jared’s not so much. I just hope that everyone involved does Sam and Deans story justice. That it goes out as memorably as it started. Reading over these various observations that people are making during the hiatus rewatch it - so many great moments, fantastic acting...getting to know the characters and their world gradually. So friggin good. I miss that Supernatural. Those moments which now seem so few and far between. And then when we get them along with the angst and suspense (talking Michael/Dean possession, Malek Box, Deans fate to name a few) only to have it all ripped out from underneath you to be replaced by - ? Early on, back then, they knew how to draw out a storyline all the way to the end. Now? Not so much. And yes we do see occasional flashes of brilliance like the Baby episode or the episode with Rocky’s Bar...but it’s getting harder and harder to sift thru the crap for the gems. And I don’t think Dabb has it in him. I thought when he was setting up Sam and Deans dilemma with Michael in his head and a pending one way trip in the Malek Box that we were really going somewhere. Finally. And then they Jack’d (see what I did there) it up. I think Dabb is a hack who will continue to be a hack. So I have little hope for the final season regardless of Jared and Jensen’s input.
