MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > What do Sam and Dean mean to you?

What do Sam and Dean mean to you?

Since the show is winding down, I thought it might be a nice time to reflect over 14 seasons and ask you guys what Sam and Dean really mean to you. How has watching the show changed you? And in what capacity do you feel you've changed as a person since watching this show?

This is a time we can get really deep, (express yourself) and feel those 'feels' as Robbie Thompson used to say. Would love to know what you really think/feel. Oh, and grab a box of tissues...


The first episode of Supernatural I ever saw was "Scarecrow" during a marathon on TNT. Just that one episode had me hooked. Only 11 episodes into season one and they're already freakin' nailing it. Many new shows, even the so-called "great ones", take at least a season or two to flesh out their characters and story. Some never do. Supernatural hit the ground running and never looked back. Just think of all the wonderful characters the show has brought us over the years. Some of them, like Bobby and Castiel, were supposed to be one or two episode characters but were so well written and acted they instantly became part of the family. Remember when "Lost" tried to force some new characters on its viewers? Wound up having to kill them off because of poor fan reaction. I've seen seven seasons of Supernatural and can't think of one character that fits that bill.

But what I love the most about Supernatural are the meta episodes. Any show that can poke fun of itself, its fans, its genre, even its very own actors all the while still adding to the overall in-show universe is just plain brilliant. I don't know if the more hardcore fans like these episodes but they are my go-to when I want to sit back and have a whiskey and a laugh. As I've said, I've seen seven seasons. Other than "Baby" and "Fan Fiction" I haven't strayed past S7. Now that the show is ending, I've restarted from the beginning and plan to keep going until the final episode. I know this is going to sound bizarre, but I think of Supernatural in the same way I remember Stevie Ray Vaughn. Both hit incredible highs but never, ever lost their true self.

If anyone from the show reads these posts, let me say that you have made something that will stand the test of time. I can't think of a single critically acclaimed, highly lauded show that has the sheer number of beloved characters and memorable episodes that Supernatural has. And because of this, Supernatural has its place among the greats.
